Saturday, September 12, 2009

My Advice to President Obama

Yo' Barrack!!

I see you're in Minnesota today, rousing the crowds with more campaign style rhetoric.

Ummm, you won the election. Enough with the campaign style. It's time to actually start a governance style.

We've all heard your pretty speeches whipping up the kool-aid crowd, but what we haven't heard from your administration is legislative propositions that work.
I get it,, you got the kool-aiders with empty speeches, but where you're losing the mainstream is your lack of details. We want details. We want to know just how you plan to pay for this.We want to know just how big a burden you're going to place on taxpayers. We want to know just how you plan to avoid rationing, because,, as a health care worker, I can promise you-- we do not have enough doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, x-ray tech ect ect to provide quality care to everyone.

Empty promises have been shown to be exactly what they are-- mist. Dust.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Is it about Health Care Reform? Or Something Else?

We heard many speeches from a lot of politicians about health care reform. We've even heard so many different iterations from Obama that we really have no idea just what the hell his real position is.

We've heard the left scream- "Health Care For All!!!!" and "Sock it to the rich!!!"

We've heard the right scream- " No to socialism!!!" and "No more taxes!!!"

Perhaps this is exactly what the left wants? After all, part of the plan is to confuse the true issues with screaming, to shout down your opponents. Sorols would be proud.

Or perhaps we don't know Obama's true position because the last time he revealed it-- he wasn't POTUS then. In 2003 at a AFL-CIO conference, Obama clearly states he wants a single payer system. A complete socialists wet dream.

In a socialistic system, we the people stand around with our hat in our hands, begging for anything we can get. That is, unless you're among the politically powerful- they still will have the best of everything. In a socialistic system- the politicians wield complete power over the people,, of course, all in the name of "social justice".

That's not the United States. It's not the country I grew up in. What they want to turn it into, isn't a country I want to leave to my children.

Obama ran on a centrists platform- it's how he got the independents. But as soon as he got in- all the promises of reform for DC politics, the promises of transparency, all the accountability disappeared, just like early morning mist.

What appeared in it's place, is a revealed strong tie to organized labor, a strong tie to radicals, communists, and a hard left bent to his policies.

Like every politician, he lied. So, is it really about health care? Or is it a power grab by an out of control government?

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Glenn Beck & Revolution

Glenn Beck thinks we're headed for a peaceful revolution, that we should leave our "muskets" home and work within the "system".

I have a lot of respect for Glenn. He seems to honestly care about where we're headed as a country. Unfortunately, I don't believe that the "change" needed can occur without violence. I pray I'm wrong, but as each year passes, I cling to less hope.

Someone asked me the other day why I think this, and while the answer is simple, the explanation isn't.

The answer quite simply is power, and we the people don't hold it any longer. It's not even a problem of Democrat vs Republication- both equally rape the American people in their quest to fill their pockets, and steal more power from us.

The explanation falls into every area of America.


How are politicians elected? Your first answer is typically "by the people". Really? Who provides most of the money for a candidate to run his/her campaign?that answer is big corporations.

So why would they provide the sums of money they do in order to elect their candidate? What's the payoff?

That part is easy- they want legislation, money, or pork projects favorable to their interest. So far, pork spending in 2009 is over twenty billion for almost 11,000 projects.

Politicians keep telling us we "have to pass this or that legislation because it's the right thing to do". Unfortunately, they don't bother to pay for it.

Social Security was passed with the understanding that you pay into an account, the money sits there gaining interest until you retire.
Too bad they lied about that. It makes Bernie Madoff's ponzi scheme look like a piker. Bernie defrauded us for approximately 65 billion. Social Security unfunded obligations are in the neighborhood of of 7 trillion, with a total unfunded obligation for all government being approximately 65 trillion dollars. That's more than 11 trillion more than the entire world GDP.

We can't pay it. We have been defrauded. We have been lied to. But, in a way, we deserve it. We keep sending the same thieves and con men back to Washington.

The financial system cannot sustain this.
Let me put it another way-- could your personal finances sustain a debt that was so large you couldn't even pay the interest on?
No, you couldn't. You or I would be bankrupt.

The governments only desperate hope is to print money. A lot of money. Enough money to devalue the dollar to a level that they could pay the debt. Unfortunately, every country that has EVER done this has collapsed. It's called hyperinflation caused by:

The main cause of hyperinflation is a massive and rapid increase in the amount of money, which is not supported by growth in the output of goods and services. This results in an imbalance between the supply and demand for the money (including currency and bank deposits), accompanied by a complete loss of confidence in the money, similar to a bank run. Enactment of legal tender laws and price controls to prevent discounting the value of paper money relative to gold, silver, hard currency, or commodities, fails to force acceptance of a paper money which lacks intrinsic value. If the entity responsible for printing a currency promotes excessive money printing, with other factors contributing a reinforcing effect, hyperinflation usually continues. Often the body responsible for printing the currency cannot physically print paper currency faster than the rate at which it is devaluing, thus neutralizing their attempts to stimulate the economy......

As it allows a government to devalue their spending and displace (or avoid) a tax increase, governments have sometimes resorted to excessively loose monetary policy to meet their expenses. Inflation is considered by some another tax on citizens but less overt and is therefore harder to understand by ordinary citizens. Inflation can obscure quantitative assessments of the true cost of living, as published price indices only look at data in retrospect, so may increase only months or years later. Monetary inflation can become hyperinflation if monetary authorities fail to fund increasing government expenses from taxes, government debt, cost cutting, or by other means, because:

(1) during the time between recording or levying taxable transactions and collecting the taxes due, the value of the taxes collected falls in real value to a small fraction of the original taxes receivable;
(2) government debt issues fail to find buyers except at very deep discounts

Our government has all but admitted that this is their plan. They want us to believe they are wise enough to dump literally trillions of worthless dollars into the economy, and then pull them out before the cycle spirals out of control.
This, from the same idiots who can't run a "Cash for Clunkers" program. The same idiots who can't run the post office in the black, the same idiots who plundered Social Security and bankrupted Medicare with feel good, fiscally unsound plans.

That is the people who have the prints churning out printed money as fast as they can.

I maintain that nothing gets better until the greedy powerful short sighted idiots in government and business are out. I doubt a single one willingly gives up that power. Not unless they are forced to.

physicians opnion of financial bail out package

Physicians' Opinion of Financial Bail Out Package:

The Allergists voted to scratch it, but the Dermatologists
advised not to make any rash moves.

The Gastroenterologists had sort of a gut feeling about it,
but the Neurologists thought the Administration had a lot of

The Obstetricians felt they were all laboring under a

Ophthalmologists considered the idea shortsighted.

Pathologists yelled, "Over my dead body!" while
the Pediatricians said, 'Oh, Grow up!'

The Psychiatrists thought the whole idea was madness, while
the Radiologists could see right through it.

Surgeons decided to wash their hands of the whole thing.

The Internists thought it was a bitter pill to swallow,
and the Plastic Surgeons said, "This puts a whole new
face on the matter."

The Podiatrists thought it was a step forward, but the
Urologists were pissed off at the whole idea.

The Anesthesiologists thought the whole idea was a gas, and
the Cardiologists didn't have the heart to say no.

In the end, the Proctologists won out, leaving the entire
decision up to the assholes in Washington

Author unknown

Friday, August 14, 2009

Elimination of Waste and Corruption

In Obama's town hall meetings, he insists two thirds of the cost of healthcare reform will come from eliminating waste and streamlining the process.

Kind of like how the government does with Medicare? Or how about Social Security? Perhaps the Post Office?

Two of the last things the government EVER is, is streamlined and efficient. When we think of bloated bureaucracies, the very first thing that comes to mind is always government run programs. When we think of corruption, we think first of government, and second of big business. (Despite the fact both are corrupt, I think our government is infinitely more so).

Barrack Obama's Economic Recovery act was supposed to be set up for shovel ready projects, yet is bloated with every liberals wet dream of wasteful spending imaginable. Yet, we're supposed to believe that the same government who has bankrupted SS, Medicare, Postal Service, bailed out Wall Street and the banks-- can somehow run 1/6 of the American economy and make rational decisions for all of us about our health care? I mean, after all- they do such a bang up job on everything else they run.

Right. Sure. If you believe that- I got some really prime land I can sell you.

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Destruction of America

I've stayed away from my blog for a while, simply because I could no longer stomach just how blind and deaf our elected officials are. I couldn't accept just how willing so many of them are to destroy our way of life, and fundamentally and radically alter the United States into some pale shadow of Europe.

Lets look at some of the deliberate ignorance our elected officials so shamefully, and proudly display;

--Senator Boxer insists that protesters at Town Hall meetings must be plants- after all, they are all too well dresses. (News flash Ma'am, That's what people with jobs look like.) Yes, the "Ma'am" comment is deliberate-- she finds it demeaning. Probably as demeaning as the public finds her comments.

--Nancy Pelosi insists that American anger is "manufactured" and any conservative movement is "astroturf", that it's "un-american" to protest, that conservative protesters are using Nazi symbols. Really?? Where was your outrage at the same tactics used by liberals in your own home district concerning the war???

---President Obama swears to hit back harder, he calls out his thugs in ACORN and the SEIU union to beat the shit out of regular Americans who simply insist that their elected officials hear them. President Obama insists anyone who disagrees with him to shut up and get out of his way. Really??? Say,, Barrack,, do you really think the American people will rollover and let Chicago organized crime politics hold sway over the nation?? Do you really believe we'll hold still for that?

---Liberal media is complicit in whitewashing the entire mess and demonizing regular citizens. People who simply want a few things from Washington.

What is it we want?

1. Read the fucking Bill you're voting on. Don't just protect your own power Senators, Congressmen- you represent us, not yourselves.

2. Use some common sense. If we're broke, don't make it worse by imposing the worst deficit EVER.

3. If you pass health care bills- make sure you have to use it also. Don't set up yourselves as an elite that thinks its better than we are.

This Country was founded on the principles of self reliance, Independence, and freedom. Our government is moving more swiftly than ever to overturn those principles. Our government will not rest until they have complete control, cradle to grave over all citizens.

Right now, working class citizens are talking. Don't push us into taking up weapons.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Direct Action

A friend recently asked me, as I've been asked several times over the last few year- when did I think common citizens would take matters into their own hands.

I've said many times in the past, and continue to say-- it will be when common folks can't make a living. When they listen to their children cry going to bed hungry. When they completely accept that the power elite in Washington are absolutely disconnected from the reality in American life.

Look to the San Joaquin Valley for an entirely probable direct citizen action against the government.

Eighty thousand people are about to be out of work there. A 41% unemployment rate. All because of the Delta Smelt. An endangered minnow that the courts have decided to save. The San Joaquin Valley is some of the richest farmland in the world, but now is a dust bowl due to the Federal government shutting off the water the area needs for irrigation.

All for a minnow.

Eighty thousand farmers are desperate right now. The water has been shut off since late 2008. The area grows a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, along with many thousands of acres of fruit trees that are now dying.

Comic Paul Rodriguez's family farms there. He appeared on Sean Hannity tonight, frantic to get someone, anyone in the Federal Government to intervene. From the veiled comments he made- the farmers there will get that water---one way or another.

I'll predict now-- The Federal Courts will not reverse their decision, and the farmers will take matters into their own hands and turn those pumps back on to fill their irrigation canals.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Creation of a Partisan

All my life I have been apolitical. I've never voted, but that was primarily because I never believed in any politician enough to give my vote to one. I mean, look at them. Corrupt, pathological lying, they cheat on the tax payers, their spouses, and their honor-- all to either get elected, or get re-elected.

The power they get seduces them, one and all it seems. You can count honest politicians on one hand-- and probably have fingers left over.

This doesn't even include the fact that we the citizens don't even elect the POTUS. Our vote counts for shit there.

So,, I've never voted, but I am a patriot. I served our country in our Armed forces. I believe in the need for people to give up their God given rights in order to protect the rights of others.

I believe in the free market system. Stop bailing out failed businesses. Stop writing legislation that sets up the free market to fail. Stop expecting the tax payers to fund this insanity. Repeal TARP now. Stop it.

I believe in legal immigration. It isn't racist to demand that illegal immigrants be swiftly ejected from the country. It isn't racist to demand the border to controlled. Do it. Do it now.

I believe in the intended checks and balances that the Founders built into our system of government. Fire the Czars. They are accountable to no one but the President. Fire all sixteen of them. Stop circumventing the Constitution. It is what made this country great.

I believe in the rights of States and the People. Stop the Federal government take over of our rights. Relinquish the power you have stolen. Shrink the government. I don't want the government in my daily life, besides, you have enough work to do with your real job. So, why don't you take care of those obligations before you try taking over mine.

What I work for is mine. I earned it, and you have no right to take it and give it to others. Stop this insane redistribution of wealth. Poor people do NOT create jobs. Not one time in my life has a poor person ever given me a job. Not. One. Fucking. Time.
You want to redistribute wealth? Redistribute your own.

Universal health care. Can you really look at any country that has it and tell me it actually works? What? You think that you can do it better than other countries? You? The same people who bankrupted Social Security? The same people who can't even run the Postal Service efficiently?
I make this prediction now: Government run health care will absolutely drive private insurers out of health care. Watch and see if I'm not right.

I believe in free market energy. Cap and Trade will double our electricity costs--all in the name of "green energy". Tell Al Gore to divest himself of his 100 million bucks he's made off the green cause- then I might listen to him a bit. The debate isn't over on global warming. Stop what you are doing.

Most of my life I paid little attention to politics. You are rushing so fast into the same mistakes of the past, completely confident that you can do it better than those who failed before you, that you are forcing me to to take a stand.

You made me realize that you have made me powerless within your system. You made me realize that I have few to no options to stop you within the system.

Thank you for waking me up. Thank you for waking so many of us up. Thank you for those you will wake up if you continue on this destructive course.

Janet Napolitano issued a report about home grown terrorists/partisans. I find it entirely ironic that it may be a self fulfilling prophesy.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Entitlements- Now Iran Entitled To Nuclear??

Obama has said Iran is entitled to nuclear power.

Hmmm, Does that mean American citizens are also? I mean, after all- isn't Obama against nuclear power in the US? So why is he for it for a country that publicly professes as a national goal the complete destruction of Israel?

Is there an ulterior motive here? Does Obama want a new holocaust? Is Obama crazy? Or just stupid?

So far internationally, President Obama seems to be all for appeasement of our enemies, and cold shouldering our allies. In fact, the only people who seem to need to fear this president, is his own citizens. He's done more to destroy the American way of life than any terrorists could have dreamed of doing.

Now Obama is in the Middle East on a public relations tour, all aimed at showing the Muslim world that he really will not stop radicals, and absolutely will do all he can to stop Israel from protecting itself.

I've got news for Mr. Obama- I've met/worked with Israeli soldiers. They will not allow Iran to attain their stated goal.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Obama; Americans Must Make Sacrifices

According to Obama, all Americans must make sacrifices during this trying economic time. That is, all Americans but the Obama clan.

The night before GM filed bankruptcy, President Obama and Mrs. Obama flew from the White House to New York city for dinner and a Broadway show-- all on YOUR dime.

At a time when so many Americans are losing their jobs and homes, businesses are closing, the President lavishly spends your tax dollars to entertain himself and his entourage. Three private jets were used to transport everyone to NYC because it was more economical.

Now, didn't the President criticize the auto CEO's for using private jets to come to Washington? Hmmm, different standards?

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs refused to disclose how much the taxpayers just got soaked for, but British DailyMail estimated it at 72,000+ dollars.

That's really tightening up that 'ol belt Barrack.

Government Motors Files Bankruptcy Today

Ok, so GM files bankruptcy today, and the taxpayers are on the hook for 50 billion so far. Yes, I'm convinced we'll probably end up putting at least another 100 billion into Government Motors.

Obama insisted we couldn't let GM go down the tubes,,, after all, we would have lost 3 million jobs. Or was that we'll save 3 million jobs? Maybe it was we'll create 3 million jobs.

It's hard to keep up with his double speak,,I mean, he tosses around nonsense million, billion, and trillion numbers like they're meaningless--but I digress.

So, we the taxpayers will now own 70% of GM, and the unions will own 20%, and Obama's wacky left wingers are telling the car company they are going to make teensy tiny little green cars.

Right-- let me know how that works out for ya.

Somehow, I'm not reassured by this business model. Government owned and operated, along with the union.

Does anyone see why I think another 100 billion is going into this black hole?

Oh!! But lets cheer!!

Now,, GM will make tiny cars no one wants, but do not despair-- I'll predict right here and right now;

Obama has a plan-- Since the public wont buy these cars, he'll just enact new rules and the government will buy them. Millions and millions of government fleet green cars.

See? That'll work out great. Almost as good as the Fed buying their own T-Bills and bonds.

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Reasons I'm Concerned

Friends and family have asked me over the last 12 months or so just why I'm so convinced that things are on their way to an implosion for America.

Three years ago, I got an uneasy feeling about the economy. It didn't make any sense on the surface at the time. After all, the Dow was over 10k, easy money was to had just for the asking, credit nearly shoved on us in obscene amounts.

That was exactly what bothered me. It took me a while to realize it, but eventually I did. When my mortgage company was willing to offer me what amounted to twice my homes value, and credit card companies were willing to offer me what amounted to my annual salary, I knew in my gut that the collapse was coming.

Then the mortgage industry started collapsing. I immediately moved my 401K out of stocks and into bonds, thinking that regardless how bad it got, bonds would hold. I was wrong. Fitch ratings is downgrading pretty much all state bonds. Federal or Treasury bonds are iffy at best.

Anyhow, then the stock market crashed. Once it crashed, businesses folded, unemployment skyrocketed, (I still think we're being lied to by the Fed about real unemployment numbers), the economy staggered into a deflationary cycle.

As a result, Congress panicked, passed a hugely bloated "Recovery Act", just chock full of every single Congress critters wet dream on spending. (787 Billion) They followed this folly up with the omnibus bill which simply had the rest of their pet projects on spending. (400+ billion)

This was followed by the 3.7 trillion dollar 2009 budget, bringing the deficit (at the time,, trust me, it gets worse) up doubled.

Now we get the 1st quarter numbers on income for the fed-- taxes paid in. They normally collect about 670 billion per quarter. They barely collected 400 billion. Taxes are down simply because the ECONOMY is down. People are out of work, businesses have shuttered their doors.

Now, you ask why this is important. What less revenue does is increase the deficit. After all, the Federal government isn't going to decrease their spending. If anything, they're spending faster and faster.
CBO has revised their estimate on the deficit. It will jump from 10.6 trillion to over 18 trillion,, just on the strength of less revenue.

Now, the president has decided to "reform" credit card companies. Sounds good on the surface, but the nitty gritty is- it protects those in trouble, and punishes those who are good customers.


Hmmm, sounds just like whats going on for the last six months, eh?

Now, lets throw in the taxes that are going to go up to pay for Obama care.

Just wait until we taxpayers get the bill for bailing out California, Massachusetts, Michigan, ect, ect ad nauseum, ad infiniteum.

Mark my words- If you are a responsible, law abiding tax payer- you're about to get screwed by Obama & company. I'll be surprised if we ALL don't end up paying 60% of our income in Taxes.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Enhanced Interrogation

  1. Prolonged isolation.
  2. Prolonged sleep deprivation.
  3. Sensory deprivation.
  4. Extremely painful stress positions.
  5. Sensory bombardment (such as prolonged loud noise and/or bright lights).
  6. Forced nakedness.
  7. Sexual humiliation.
  8. Cultural humiliation (such as desecration of holy scriptures).
  9. Being subjected to extreme cold that induces hypothermia.
  10. Exploitation of phobias.
  11. Simulation of the experience of drowning, in other words- waterboarding.
Sounds just like what I went through in SERE training. (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape).
The difference being, I was being trained to resist interrogation by foreign operatives, and detainees were being interrogated. Where it is the same is-- no permanent harm was done to either class of subjects. Ergo, it's not torture.
Others claim it's a violation of the Geneva Convention.-- Sorry,, but it's not. These are not uniformed members of a recognized military or militia of any nation.

Terrorists falls into a really uncomfortable grey area under international law. They don't fit any of the international conventions of military, nor of national forces or political identities. What they are is a multinational, continent hopping scourge on society.

Terrorists don't utilize "enhanced interrogation", the beat you half to death. They break your bones, cut you up, then behead you on camera for the benefit of shocking and terrorizing law abiding peoples the world over. They utilize the act of terror to enforce their will over a unwilling people. Prime example was Afghanistan under the Taliban. U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan absolutely will not allow themselves to be captured because they know without doubt that they will be tortured and beheaded.

Now, how do we deal with them?

My answer is simple, yet politically unacceptable. Take no prisoners. None, Zero, Nadda. No quarter. Kill every single arms bearing person who confronts our troops. The terrorists claim they are in a Jihad against us.
Fine, a war to the knife is fine with us. We absolutely can kill them in job lots. We had better accept that this war will not be over until the last mothers son is dead and buried. To believe any other way is to lose this conflict, and invite the animals to kill our civilians in job lots once more.

Obama's ideals are grand, his acceptance of losing American civilians to terror is regal. He seems to have forgotten that the American publicabsolutely will crucify him if we are attacked again.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Obama experts claim the socialized health care that is being pushed through will cost us all 1.3 trillion.
Frankly, I think that's so low ball that it's insulting. Economists related to the health care industry claim 2.26 trillion is closer to reality.

What the Obama administration isn't telling us is just how they plan to contain costs, and the answer is simple--rationing.

Currently, lets say you over exercised, and ripped a knee tendon. You go to your doctor, s/he sends you to an orthopedic surgeon, s/he schedules a surgery after verifying you do in fact need surgery,,,then you go and get the corrective surgery.

Under Obamacare, you have the same scenario,, but now your primary care doctor has to go to a appointed bureaucrat to get permission for you to see a orthopedic surgeon, who then has to ensure the surgery is within the budget, AND that you are not too old (by government definition-- over 65), and a year later, you get the surgery...maybe.

Right now, Congress is exploring how to pay for such an abomination. One of the options on the table is taxing your medical benefits from your job. Estimates are this could increase your taxes1,000-3,000 a year in new taxes.

With that being the case, why on earth would anyone keep their insurance?
Why would anyone in their right mind step up to pay for government involvement between you and your doctor, after all, look at the bang up job the government has done with the post office, social security, and the auto industry.

Having government involved in running health care will absolutely be the end of a system that innovates, that leads research, that people from the world over come to when they want the best care. We will become no better than Great Britain or Canada when it comes to health care.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Pelosi Using EIT on an Unsuspecting Public

December 2007, Pelosi stated she had been briefed on the enhanced interrogation techniques by the Bush administration, and that they might be used.

April 23rd, 2009, Pelosi insisted she had never, I repeat, never been briefed on EIT, nor that it had been used.

This week, the CIA released records showing Nancy Pelosi had not only been briefed on EIT, but that it had been used and information obtained.

Not only did she actually know about EIT and its use- she, along with other lawmakers voted 13 times to continue funding the program.

Perhaps Nancy is getting too senile to serve? Should someone with such memory lapses be allowed to serve as Speaker of the House, or be trusted with classified material?

Or is it that Nancy Pelosi is a opportunistic, lying, amoral slimebag who needs to be prosecuted right along with the former administration if she persists with the so called "Truth Commission"?

I wish I could say I'm shocked and surprised, but in all honesty- I'm not. I've come to expect our politicians to be lying unethical, amoralistic slimebags. It's par for the course. Congressional behavior such as we're seeing could be construed as illegal, as enhanced, and as unsavory- to say the least.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The First Shots Fired

A new Montana law signed by the Governor, the Montana Firearms Freedom Act, is the first shot fired by states fighting back against the insidious control being implemented by the Federal government.

In ground breaking, and sure to be challenged in the Supreme Court defiance, Montana's new legislation exempts all firearms and ammunition made in Montana from Federal legislation.

The Federal government has long regulated firearms via authority granted to it in the Commerce Clause of the Constitution, on the premise that any gun or related device is automatically subject to Federal regulation because it may be involved in interstate commerce. These new laws would negate that, by protecting guns and related goods which do not cross state lines.

By exempting from such regulation any eligible gun or related device manufactured within its borders and which stays within those borders, the states are in essence denying the Federal government a fictional authority which it has long asserted. More importantly, the states are creating law-based protection against the very-real threat of a Federal gun registration/confiscation scheme.

Many predict that this new movement will lead to an epic legal battle over the Tenth Amendment "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people". If so, an Obama-weighted Supreme Court may end up deciding the issue.

Some are eager for a test case, hoping that some brave soul in Montana will notify the Feds that he or she is going to begin manufacture and sale of "Made in Montana" guns under this new law and without Federal oversight. The expectation is of immediate Federal prosecution of that individual, with the resulting court decision possibly being a major deciding factor in the feasibility and future of such laws.

It seems worthwhile for us to urge our state legislators to consider similar legislation. In fact, Utah and Texas are already presenting potentially similar legislation. Anything that preserves civil rights while taking some power out of the hands of the Federal government has got to be a good thing. Better wording than Montana used for any section that omits fully-automatic guns from the law would be a good idea for any such law, though - there's no reason shotguns shouldn't also be covered by the protection these laws provide.

I believe that this could be the first shots fired in a fight that may well determine the future of not only our nation, but our individual and state rights. I also have to think about just how long this civil war will remain civil, because those with power rarely ever give it up voluntarily.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Obama's Green Agenda- Job Saver or Job Disaster?

President Obama was fond of touting Europe's green initiatives during his campaign, and still holds up Spain's progress in creating green energy.

What the President doesn't tell us is that in Spain, it took 37 billion a year in tax revenue to create just 50,000 jobs. That's 750,000 per job. That's an ongoing annual expense.

He also doesn't bring up that Spain lost 4 jobs for every "green" job created, or that Spain now has a 17% unemployment rate.

I would really like to know why Obama and the liberal press have not only glossed over these facts, but completely omitted telling the American public. Why have they chosen to hide what a economic disaster "green technology" has been in Europe? What could the motive be?

I don't know what their motive could be, but someone wiser than me once told me-- If you can't find a motive, follow the money.

China cuts up Obama Administrations Credit Card

15 Years ago, the US had 44 lenders for selling national debt to. Today, it's 16, and dropping. China's Premier Wen publicly stated that China will not be buying the trillions of debt the Obama administration is trying to sell.

But no worries, according to Tim-tax cheat- Geithner, the Fed will purchase the Treasury bills that his department is selling.

Huh?? Hows that work??

We just print money to buy our own debt??

Try to imagine owing Visa 100,000 dollars,, and you only make 40k a year. Understandably, Visa would be a tad nervous. Try to imagine how nervous and angry they would be if you reassured them by telling them-- Oh, don't worry. I'll just print up the money to pay you.

That's exactly what the Obama administration is doing.

Is It Time To Discuss A Texas Secession?

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.

Every day we turn on the news, and we see the Federal government acting in ways that in no way represent the will of the people.

The public was against the bailouts, both Republicans and Democrats ignored us.
The public is against the government running private companies, the Fed ignored us.
The public is against generational theft that our children and grandchildren will slave to pay, the politicians ignored us.

We protest, and we're dismissed by the President.

Someone once asked me on a forum what I thought it would take to motivate the American people to revolt.
I replied that it would take out of control government, a dismissive power elite, an onerous tax burden and pampered entitlement class with loss of state and individual rights. I went on to say that I didn't believe it would happen in my lifetime.

That was two years ago.....and I've changed my mind. This government is dashing pellmell to ruin.

Obama Claims

Obama claimed in his April 29th news conference that the 787 billion dollar stimulus has already created or saved 150,000 jobs.

I started asking around how the White House came up with that number, and the short answer is---he made it up.

Every single major economist group has flatly said there is no way with more than 600k jobs being lost each week that the stimulus boondoggle has changed the rate of job loss.

To try to put a happy face on this economy is not only disingenuous, it's insulting.

But being disingenuous is what this President is all about.

After all, this is the administration that fired a CEO, that claims it doesn't want to run a car company- so why are they? If they're so pro-democracy and pro-capitalism, then why are they demonizing the funds who refused to sell out their investors so the Obama administration could get a better deal for the autoworkers union? Might I add that fully half the reason the auto industry is in such trouble is because of the unions.

This administration claims they don't want to control banks-- so why did they strong arm banks on TARP? Why did they quietly arrange for the FDIC to insure banks real estate loans?

Why can't this administration ever seem to say what they mean, and mean what they say? Where is the transparency we were promised?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Obama Administration is Racist?

At the core of this headline is the New Haven Firefighters suit over reverse discrimination that is being heard by the Supreme court.

One hundred and eighteen people took the test. Fifty-six passed, of those nineteen were eligible for the 15 open slots. Of those, no minorities would have been eligible for promotion to lieutenant, and two Hispanics would have been eligible for promotion to captain.

When the city of New Haven saw the results, they threw out the entire test, despite the fact that more people passed than they had open slots for. This wasn't a case of no one passing, just not any of the right color.

Marcelli, who made the top score, and is white, felt is was gut-wrenching to see that his hard work was for nothing.

Eric Holder, representing the Obama administration, came out today stating that the administration was supporting the city of New Haven in their decision to not to hire based on race.
He also recently claimed that Americans are cowards on race. Perhaps it is time to have a frank discussion about racism- like why certain races are protected by law, why hiring is based on race, and why the best person for a job isn't hired because he isn't a minority.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Obama Releases Classified Memos

President Obama released classified memos concerning interrogation methods used by the CIA. His claim is that a pending lawsuit would have required the release of the information anyway.

Really? Hmmm, I thought the Federal government could classify information at will. Since this appears to not be the case any longer, does this mean we can sue the Obama administration to release all information we want? How about releasing just what information we did obtain by harsh interrogations?

Gee,, this could get fun.

As far as the methods used by the CIA, waterboarding, slaps and slams into walls- all with a doctor present to ensure the health and safety of the terrorist. (Oops, sorry, I meant the "man made disaster initiator". After all, only right wingers and military vets are terrorists, right?)

Now, lets take a look at the methods our enemies use.
Upon your capture, you will be beaten half to death daily, and when your captors tire of that sport, you will be hustled into a room with a black hood over your head, screamed at, slapped around, kicked, then the hood is ripped off and you will have your head hacked off while a camera catches every brutal detail. It will take these rank amateurs several minutes to finally severe your head, all the while you will feel it right up to the end. Your family will probably see the video on the web.

President Obama claimed today that he didn't want the US to "stoop to the level of our enemies". Well, for once, I am in complete agreement. But I am also outraged that Obama would even compare what we have done to what the terrorists have done.

Former Vice-President Chaney claims fully half of what we know about our enemies came from harsh interrogations. By Obama giving aid and succor to our enemies, by clearly telling our enemies around the world that the have nothing to fear from us, that what they know will remain sacrosanct, how much more danger are we all in?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tax Day Tea Party Revolts

DHS calls us extremists. The Los Angles Times calls us fringe lunatics. Mainstream media isn't covering the protests because they consider us disgruntled losers.

Let me tell you who we are. We're fathers, mothers, sons and daughters. We're husbands, wives and grandparents. We're Americans, we're tax payers, we're people who have been playing by the rules. We're also standing in the streets, silent no more.

Now we're damn mad at government. We're mad at rewards for failure, we're mad at the generational theft fedzilla is doing.

We're outraged at the complete abandonment of our founding fathers principles.

This is your chance to listen. Ignore it at your peril.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

DHS report on “right-wing extremism”

The pdf can be found here .

In essence, what it says is that, due to the recession, white supremacist groups, fears of new gun legislation, the election of an African American president, and last but not least, military veterans, right wing extremists can potentially cause terrorist acts in the US.

What?? You you serious??

What feckless, sniveling, whining, craven worthless crawling pus bag of pig offal of a political appointee with a political axe to grind came up with this absolutely insulting piece of crap of a report???

What kind of traitorous, back stabbing, left acid tripping, faithless creep could actually get something like this published to actually go out to law enforcement??

So now, if you're outspoken against the Obama administration, you're labeled as a "right wing extremist." You're a danger to public order. If you're a military veteran, you could be co-opted by "right wing extremists".

Recent shooting deaths are categorized as "right wing extremism". No you buttholes, it's criminal activity, pure and simple. I'll say this though, right now, if me and most of my friends are considered "right wing extremists", I'll take it. It beats being a mealy mouthed punk who bows to Kings.

Show one shred of proof that returning combat vets are plotting against the United States you cowardly slanderous pieces of horse fecal matter.

Look at the report-- DHS has ZERO data about any threat. Not one shred of anything to back up this warning. It's all entirely politically driven.

I am a Veteran, and proud of it. I also, like every other Veteran, took an oath, To Protect and Serve The Constitution, from ALL Enemies, Foreign...and Domestic.

Take that how you will.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Lunacy in Healthcare

A recent article relates some of why healthcare is in trouble. After reading the article, I ran reports at work to see how our own hospital fared under the same problems. (Yes, I already knew we had an extraordinary number of "habitual offenders".)

Here goes;

1. A illegal immigrant requiring dialysis came to the ER 3 times a week to get approval for dialysis. Each ER visit costs taxpayers an average of $1000.00-1500.00, Dialysis costs an average of $350.00 per session.
That is approximately $156,000.00 per year for ER visits and another $54,600.00 for dialysis for a grand total of $210,600.00 a year for this one illegal. We have a total of 22 illegals doing the same thing to get dialysis. That's better than 4.6 million spent at one county hospital on just illegal immigrant dialysis.

2. One crack smoker-- This woman had asthma, and smoked crack cocaine. By the time she was 42 years old, she had been intubated and put in the ICU 44 times, with an average length of stay of 8 days. 7,000.00 per intubation for 308,000.00, $1500.00 per day in the ICU for $528,000.00 total. She also incurred costs for three heart attacks, four strokes, the last of which ended her life. In all, the approximate total to the taxpayer was almost 2 million on her own.

3. Homeless- We have approximately 30 different homeless patients who come in an average of four times a week for everything from COPD, to substance abuse, to vague undefinable complaints. (Typically-- that its cold outside or hot outside, or to panhandle in the ER--no, we don't allow panhandling.) I only chose the top visitors-- those that use the ER greater than 3 times a week. These thirty patients cost the taxpayers approximately 6.2 million a year.

As you can see, a relatively few patients can result in extraordinary expenses. Our ER sees approximately 120-150 thousand patients a year. You can begin to see how quickly it adds up.

Now, as to the cost;

1. Medical professionals practice "defensive medicine". What that means is, that we might well be fairly positive what you have, due to tort and government regulations, we automatically screen you for anything that might cause your symptoms. This is incredibly expensive and slow, as we have to wait on ALL the results before telling YOU what we were likely to tell you right from the start.
How often does this method result in a different diagnosis? About once in 10,000 cases.
Is that often enough to warrant us working in this way? Depends on if you're the 1 in 10000 wouldn't you say?

2. Every single piece of equipment has to pass FDA approval prior to use-- what this means is regardless what it is, if it's used in medicine, it has to pass years of testing by the FDA to ensure safety. This adds billions to the cost of medical equipment annually. Biomedical companies are not in the business for altruistic reasons, just as you don't work for nothing. 'nuff said?

OK, now for the bugaboo lefties just swoon over. Socialized Healthcare;

British citizens pay over twice the taxes Americans do. Doesn't sound like much, right?
OK, in Britain, they ration healthcare. Healthcare is "free"....when you can get it. (It's only free in the sense that you don't pay for it at point of service,, you actually pay for it in taxes). Patients needing a bypass surgery in the UK wait an average of 175 days to get it. Wait times for a MRI in Canada is a whopping 22 months.
Some reports have initiation of treatment for pancreas cancer in Canada being months, despite the urgent need for interventions immediately.

You see, in socialized medicine, all care is rationed, budgeted, and unavailable once the annual procedures have all been spent, despite need. In the British system, care is more restricted on the elderly, as they have less to contribute to society because their working years are behind them.

When it comes to medical professionals in socialized medicine- Canada and the UK can't seem to keep people in nursing and working as doctors. Both lag behind in OECD averages due to lack of pay, horrible conditions and patient overloads.

Just remember- Government knows what you need for health care better than you do,, right?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Does Obama Need Political Viagra?

I've not written lately, simply because I'm having trouble believing that some of the things I'm seeing and reading about could actually happen in the United States. I'm pissed off and disgusted with our government- and apparently, I'm far from the only one.

We have a president who apparently hates everything America stands for, who wants us to become more like the EU-- and boy isn't that working out well for Europe? Michelle Obama said she's finally proud of her country. I can honestly say, I'm ashamed of our President.

We no longer have a War on Terror-- really Mr. President? Then why in the hell are our military service people dying then ??? You do them insult and disservice by marginalizing what they do to keep us safe, you disrespectful pillar of the left.

Cap and Trade-- (Or as I like to think of it, Cap and Tax), The only ones who don't think this will increase our utility bills by 50-100%, is the President and his administration. Every single other analyst estimates electric companies will increase rates 50-100% to pass this tax on to consumers. A little advice Mr. President, work out the green technology before hitting We the People with crushing financial burdens.

Border Violence-- The Obama administration claims 90% of the guns come from the US. Oh really?? Since when do we have access to full automatic assault weapons?? Since when do we have access to RPG's and grenades?? Who in this country has access to military grade weapons? Ohhh, that's right-- the government does. Now, am I saying the Obama administration is selling weapons to Mexican drug gangs? No, I'm not, it's just as ridiculous as their claims that We the People are selling those weapons to those gangs. Do I dispute the weapons are moving through the US to Mexico? Nope, I believe those weapons are moving through the US, through ports in Mexico, and across borders to the south of Mexico; in other words- they're coming in from all points of access to Mexican drug Cartels. But I promise you-- the weapons are not legal in the US, and therefor, NOT COMING FROM LEGAL SOURCES IN THE US.

Deficit-- Obama claims he "inherited" this mess. In a way, he did. He's also doubling the deficit in less than three months. He also suspended his presidential campaign to rush back to the Senate to loudly and vociferously demand that the TARP pass. He's also spent more money than all presidents before him combined. What scares me almost as much, is his plans--have no details. No plan in place, period. Just-- Hey!! This sounds like a great idea to spend money on. We have no idea what it'll really cost, or how to go about implementing it, but what the hell,,lets throw a couple of trillion at the problem,, and maybe some will stick.
Obama claimed during his campaign that his plan would "create or save four million jobs". Huh. Guess that promise didn't work out too well for ya,, did it Mr. President?

Transparency "Sunlight before Signing"-- Obama promised to post pending legislation for 5 business days on the Internet for citizens to peruse. Ummm, ok, when does that start? Another broken promise. That SCHIP bill was obviously emergency legislation. It also created the largest tax hike on tobacco ever passed. Unfortunately, we need another 52 million smokers to actually fund SCHIP. Another grand idea to lay at Obama's feet.

Pork Reform--- Can you say-- 8700 earmarks? Guess we're not really reforming earmarks and pork after all.

G20--- Obama went to the G20 with the stated goal of talking the EU into spending trillions like we are, getting more combat troops for Afghanistan, and mending fences with European leaders.
Lets look at the scorecard- No new combat troops, no trillions, except for the 800 billion Mr. Obama pledged to the IMF, and Obama came off sounding weak. That scores as a zero in my book.

North Korea-- North Korea launches a multistage missile, that could be used to deliver weapons. Despite the fact the second stage failed to separate from the third stage, and it splashed down in the Pacific, we must remember that it did go 2000 miles. Mr. Obama loudly spoke out that North Korea must face consequences, and as we've seen, the impotent UN will do nothing. Our impotent President will do pretty much the same thing-- nothing but talk.

All in all, President Obama has shown a clear ability to rabble rouse, spend obscene amounts of tax payers money in grossly inefficient ways, break every campaign promise he made, and cave in to every two bit leader around the world.

Watching Obama in action is like watching a train wreck happen in slow motion. It's horrifying, yet we can't look away.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Rape of the American People

Mr. Gibbs today stated that "We need to go to the doctor before we go to the pharmacy" in regards to Tim Geithner's plan to buy all the toxic assets.

Too bad they didn't start with that philosophy. Perhaps we wouldn't now have the spendulus bill, the omnibus bill and the bloated budget proposal Obama has developed.

Now, in addition to all that, House Democrats are starting to talk about yet another 500 billion stimulus package. What?? When will it be enough?

I think the simple answer is that, as with any addict- it will never be enough. Washington isn't going to stop until the American people make them stop.

On the new tax front- it's now being contemplated to tax your medical benefits you get from your job. Analysts estimate each of us will be on the hook for an additional 7,000 to 9,000 bucks in income that Mr. Obama will get to tax.
Think about it. Each of us may soon have to declare our medical benefits as income.

Cap and Trade proposals will see each of us paying higher energy bills, some estimating the increase may be as high as an additional 40% increase in our electric bills. After all, when businesses get hit with tax increases, they very very quickly pass those costs along to consumers.

But remember, most of us is going to get to keep an additional 13 bucks in our check each week. Happy days are here again.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Obama Two Faced Penny

Someone asked me the other day just why I have such antipathy for Mr. Obama.
I replied that I really admire the guy's talent and obvious intelligence, but,, I am absolutely horrified at the agenda he is setting. I'm 45 years old, and I don't think I've ever seen a President so determined to vilify capitalism and innovation. I insisted that the new American penny should be a bust of Obama on both sides.

My friend got angry and insisted that I wasn't describing Obama, so I told him a story a day later.

President Bush, during his term, threw lavish parties every Wednesday. He had $100 per pound beef served, had headliner bands play at the White House, all at the tax payer expense. He ran on a platform of a centrist, and as soon as he got elected, he ran a ultra conservative agenda and rammed it through Congress, breaking every campaign promise and didn't allow Congress to even read the Bill they were approving.

My friend blinked and said, "I thought you were a conservative. That's exactly what Bush did, and he never should have gotten a second term."

I just smiled. "I am a conservative, I just don't like dishonest people. By the way, the story is actually Obama's. Just change the name of Bush to Obama, and bam! The added insult is Mr. Obama is spending more money that any President in history. Too bad we don't have the money, and really really too bad the Chinese don't want to loan it to us."

You see, I expect politicians to deviate at least some from their campaign promises. I don't expect them to pull a 180 degree change after they get elected.

Obama railed against the deficit Bush had incurred. He didn't tell us he was going to spend more than double Bush's 8 year deficit in three months.

Obama swore up and down on the campaign trail he was all for developing coal and nuclear energy. But I guess he forgot about that in his budget.

Obama promised pork and earmarks were going to go away. Under his administration, pork barrel spending is at an all time high.

Obama ran on a reformer platform, and swore his administration would have the highest ethics ever. That it would not be business as usual in Washington. No lobbyist need apply.
How many of his cabinet don't pay their taxes?? Guess that was the shortest fit of honesty in history.

In three months, this President has managed to foment class warfare, create a climate of fear and mistrust, run confidence right into the ground and divide the American people.

What really chaps my hide is, that while the American economy burns to the ground, Obama throws lavish parties at the White House, and criticizes CEO's for doing the exact same thing-- on the tax payer dime.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

4 Trillion Dollars

Mr. Obama's budget will ask for more than 3.5 trillion dollars for the fiscal year 2010 in spending, and an additional sum of 750 billion will be reserved for additional bank bailouts. No, that 750 isn't part of the 3.5 trillion-- it's in addition to it. It's interesting to note that this figure is 50 billion more than the original bailout approved by Bush. (Although, to be fair, Mr. Obama left the campaign trail to vociferously demand that it be passed while he was still in Congress.)

According to a "senior administration official", the budget will be between 3.5 and 4 trillion beginning October 1st.

634 billion will be set aside for the anticipated Universal Health Care Obama wants implemented. (What model exactly will be used isn't known. ) It's also anticipated that the cost could go up to 1 trillion for this program.

How is he going to pay for it?

Raising the tax rates on the salaries, dividends and capital gains of those making more than $200,000-$250,000, and phasing out their exemptions and deductions, can raise only a small fraction of the amount. Even if we have a strong economy, Mr. Obama's proposed tax hikes on the dwindling ranks of high earners would be unlikely to raise much more than $30 billion-$35 billion a year by 2012.

Besides, Mr. Obama does not claim he can finance his ambitious plans for tax credits, health insurance, etc. by taxing the rich. On the contrary, he has an even less likely revenue source in mind.

In his acceptance speech at the Democratic convention on Aug. 28, Mr. Obama said, "I've laid out how I'll pay for every dime -- by closing corporate loopholes and tax havens." That comment refers to $924.1 billion over 10 years from what the TPC wisely labels "unverifiable revenue raisers." To put that huge figure in perspective, the Congressional Budget Office optimistically expects a total of $3.7 trillion from corporate taxes over that period. In other words, Mr. Obama is counting on increasing corporate tax collections by more than 25% simply by closing "loopholes" and complaining about foreign "tax havens."

The administration has identified some preliminary savings it will ask Congress to approve.

Phase out of direct payments to farms (mainly corporate ones) with sales revenue of more than $500,000 per year. This two-year phase out of payments, which go to 25 percent of all farms receiving direct payments, is projected to save $9.8 billion over 10 years. It will also ask Congress to abolish payments for the storage of cotton, generating a projected 10-year savings of $570 million.

Eliminate the tiny Federal Mentoring Program, an initiative started in the second Bush presidency that costs $49 million a year. The administration says this program was added to more than 100 other youth-oriented programs at 13 different agencies. The 10-year savings is projected to be $500 million.

Eliminate a small tax cut known as the "Advance" Earned Income Tax Credit. Projected 10-year savings is $880 million.

Require investment managers (almost exclusively private equity and hedge fund managers) to pay their standard income tax rate -- instead of the current 15 percent rate -- on their income from annual fund profits. This is known as a "carried-interest" loophole because fund managers or investment managers typically pay income tax rates at their normal rate, but only 15 percent -- the current capital gains tax rate - on a portion of the fund's annual profits (upwards of 20 percent).

The administration will seek an additional $300 million to hire additional IRS agents to police and collect a portion of an estimated $350 billion in uncollected taxes. It will also seek "legislative and enforcement measures to reduce tax evasion and avoidance," including steps to "limit U.S. corporations' ability to deduct currently expenses allocatable to deferred foreign earnings." Translated, the administration will try to crack down on offshore tax shelters used by corporations and individuals to shield income earned in the U.S. from the IRS.

The president will seek significant savings from Pentagon procurement. No details or cost savings were specified but are expected Thursday when Defense Secretary Robert Gates briefs reporters on the overall defense budget.

So, let me see if I've got this right- Mr. Obama plans to increase spending on social programs to an unprecedented level, gut the military while we're at war, tax business and rich at a level that the average citizen would revolt over, and then spin the whole thing as good for the economy.

Mr. President-- have you taken a look at California lately? This is exactly what they did, and look at what it did. Small businesses went broke, big business left the state, citizens who were able to work are leaving the state in record numbers. California Democrats have literally created a welfare state. It's broke, and it doesn't work.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Obama Promised Line Item veto of Earmarks

Today, David Axelrod was quoted as saying that President Obama would not be scrutinizing the 410 billion appropriations bill because it was old business that should have been passed under Bush 'administration.

Mr. Obama? Ummm, it's coming to you for your signature. Not former President Bush. If it's coming to you for your signature, then it's your responsibility. Period. Dot. End of discussion.

To really understand the difference between what Mr. Obama says and does,, look back to Bill Clinton when he was questioned about Monica- I did not have sex with that woman. -- then later, he argued we really need to look at his definition of sex.

Semantics. Down here in Texas, we call it bullcrap. We also call it dishonest. Where is the transparency? Where are these "highest ethical standards"? What happened to reforming how Washington does business?

If I apply the common morals and ethics of most law abiding, tax paying citizens, then Mr. Obama is a lying, cheating, scheming stealing politician who said whatever he had to in order to get elected.

Granted, all politicians lie, but this one ran on a reformers platform. He ran on a ethics and transparency platform. I think he'll end up finding they weigh like and anchor on a drowning man.

787 billion+ 400 billion+ 250 billion+ 700 billion

We're not hearing a lot about the 400 billion dollar omnibus bill; the bill the Federal government needs to keep running for the rest of the year.

What I find interesting is this- the spendulus bill was 787 billion. The omnibus bill is another 400 billion. The interest will bring the tally for this month to 1.8 trillion to 2 trillion dollars. Does this president really think we have enough rich people in this country to pay this bar tab?

Someone figured out how to conceive of just how much money we're actually talking about. He said, if you spend a million dollars a day, from the day Christ was born to today- you still couldn't spend as much as Congress and Mr. Obama have.

So far, the Federal government has spent two trillion, one hundred and thirty-seven billion just on bail outs and pork and a minor amount in actual stimulus.

Now, how does our government borrow money to pay for deficit spending?

Well, Congress passes a bill for appropriations. It goes to the president for signing, and after that, it's sent to the Federal Reserve. They, in turn, issue bonds with a set interest rate. (That's the interest we tax payers end up paying for this boondoggle.)

Once bonds are issued, foreign banks and countries buy the bonds, usually China and Japan. China owns almost a trillion dollars worth of our debt.

Sounds great, right?

It would be if foreign banks and countries weren't trying to dump our debt right now. A Chinese government official, after hearing of our money presses running 24/7, and the incredible amount of spending, said "We hate you guys. You're devaluing your money and you're dragging us down with you."

Now,, that's a problem.

You see, if foreign banks and countries don't buy our bonds, then the Federal Reserve will have to buy them. (And,, hows that work.)

In other words, Obama probably can't finance all his plans. I've said it before, I'll say it again; Look for massive inflation within 16 months.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Obama Touts Passage of Bill as Advance in Health Care

If you'll remember, I mentioned that this health care reform initiative was a trojan horse for democrats to institute socialized medicine.

Now, think carefully- did President Obama put any spotlight on this provision prior to it's passage? No? Then why is the white House now crowing about the provision?

Didn't the House of Representatives institute a gag order on debate about the bill? Why would they do that?

Was the public given the promised 48 hours to review the bill? No? Why is that?

Were the people voting on the bill given opportunity to even read what they were voting on?

Let me ask a hypothetical; Would you allow a surgeon to operate on you without his knowing what is wrong with you, and how to correct it? Even better, would you allow that same surgeon to act this way with your child?

Then why are we allowing the politicians to act in the exact same way with our childrens future, and our own?

Remember I wrote about this when a Federal Council on Health Care denies you a procedure because it doesn't fit their model on comparative-effectiveness research.

This bill has undone all the progress on welfare reform-- prior to this bill, Clinton had signed a welfare reform bill that shifted the burden of welfare back on the states, thus, the states with incentives to go to work,, also had the lowest welfare. Now, all US working citizens will pay for those states who have the largest welfare rolls. ie, Texas will now pony up for California's pie in the sky wet dream liberal programs. (Just an example, but accurate.)

Want my advice on how to spend that extra 13 bucks week we'll be getting? Buy ammo. At least then you can hunt to provide for your family.

Friday, February 13, 2009

1071 Pages-- Voted On, But Why Bother To Read It?

Obama got his 1071 page, 787 billion dollar spendulus plan.

The good news for you,, if you have a job, is that you can possibly get up to 13 bucks more in your check each week.
The really good news is that those who don't pay taxes at all will be the first to benefit from this package.

Washington just sold your children and grandchildren into servitude to pay for welfare-- aren't you proud?

Oh yes, remember how Obama was going to cap CEO salaries? Not so now. That provision was removed from the bill. It turns out that those same CEO's who were demonized, also pay about one billion a year in taxes. The Dems don't want to lose that revenue.

Back in November 2007, Barack Obama promised the American people transparency in government. That he would ensure bills were posted at least 48 hours for the public to see.

He promised the strongest ethics of any president ever. He said no lobbyist would be allowed to work in his cabinet.

Well, the bill was printed at midnight, then voted on less than twelve ours later. No one got to read it. The House speaker denied having the bill read in debate. Debate was forced closed less than two hours in and the vote was forced,, despite the fact that no one knows what the hell is in this bill!

As far as Obama and ethics-- so far he's managed to break pretty much every promise, every rule, every prinicple he touted on the campaign trail.

So much for promises. So much for change.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

12 Cents of Every Dollar

According to the Wall Street Journal, the plan the democrats are hailing as the only way to quickly invest in the economy will only get 12 cents of every dollar to actually do something that can conceivably stimulate the economy.

President Obama has defined stimulus as money that would go into creating jobs and moving the economy in the next two years.

"From the beginning, this recovery plan has had at its core a simple idea: Let's put Americans to work doing the work America needs done. It will save or create more than 3 million jobs over the next two years, all across the country," he said during his radio and Internet address last Saturday.

Let's look at just how well the presidents party is doing on that statement;

$198 million in pensions for Filipinos who fought alongside the U.S. during WWII. U.S. citizens would get $15,000 a year, but even non-citizens would still get $9,000 a year.

NASA is set to receive $450 million for "Science" and another $200 million for "Aeronautics."

$28 billion is being provided to put kids in special education, Head Start and child care and development programs for disadvantaged children.

$100 million for the Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Grant Program.-- Can anyone tell me what in the holy howling pits of hades this stimulates the economy??

$200 million to the Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund Program.--Once again, the taxpayer gets to clean up the mess.

$300 million for "Violence Against Women Prevention and Prosecution Programs".--What ever happened to equal protection under the law? Having been a victim of domestic violence, and being male, I promise you-- I was definitely not afforded this protection. Sorry, but this one really chaps my backside. No, I wasn't arrested- I knew I would be if I tried to defend myself. I stood and took a beating to avoid going to jail. Great system we have, eh?

$900 million for the IRS for the "Limitation on Administrative Expenses".--Ok, so we'll spend more money to cut expenditures. Sooo,, how's that work??

$1 million for the Railroad Retirement Board for administrative costs.--Right. Sorry, but I'm just ill even thinking about this.

$2 billion for the Drinking Water State Revolving Act.-- ????

$50 million for Health and Human Services to carry out injury prevention programs. --50 million to prevent injury. What injury?? Where? Under what context??

$1.1 billion for studies on the effectiveness of different medical treatments.-- This is the trojan horse I spoke about. This one should scare the hell out of you. This is the health care Czar who will sit between you and your doctor, deciding what is actually acceptable treatment for you. Sounds ok, right? Ask the Brits if it’s ok for a bureaucrat to make your medical decisions.

$200 million to upgrade labs and facilities for the Department of Agriculture "to improve workplace safety and mission-area efficiencies". –Once more,, how is this a targeted program to stimulate the economy?

$10 million for urban canal inspection.—Have these people completely gone around the bend?

$16 billion to pay for student financial aid.—An admirable program, but once more—how does it fit the definition President Obama set?

$600 million to pay for a fuel-efficient federal auto fleet.—You’re kidding,, right? The taxpayer is going to pony up six hundred million dollars to buy a fuel efficient auto fleet??

$650 million for the Digital Converter Box Program to help the constantly delayed transition from analog television.—I’ll let you in on a secret—people are addicted to television. They’ll buy yhe damn converter box. The taxpayer doesn’t need to be on the hook for this.

$485 million to the Forest Service for "hazardous fuels reduction and hazard mitigation activities in areas at high risk of catastrophic wildfire".—Can you say—controlled burns? So, we’ll spend 485 million for controlled burns,, and then we’ll spend another half a billion probably defending the action in court when the save the environment folks sue.

Up to $1 billion for "summer activities" for youths as old as 24.—Come on,, is Washington really contemplating this??

$40 million for the occupational research agenda.-- ??????

$3 billion for the Centers for Disease Control wellness programs and vaccinations.- A admirable program,, but does it pass the litmus test of stimulating the economy?

$410 million for Indian health facilities.—I’m really really getting tired of asking the same question.

$2.4 billion for carbon-capture demonstrations.—Demonstrations??? Not actual working systems, shovel ready?

So, with a quick perusal of the proposed programs, I can see about 12 billion that we can cut without losing a single job. Without. Even. Trying.

Now, if a country boy like myself can do that in thirty minutes, why is it that an entire city full of politicians can’t do that in weeks?

We voted for change, we didn’t vote to be forced down a socialist road. President Obama insists that these programs will be temporary, for the duration of this crisis. Unfortunately, dismantling government entitlement programs is almost impossible, and paying for them will tax the American work force into poverty.

Have any of the proponents of universal health care bothered to tell the American public what percentage of wages are paid in taxes in countries with universal coverage? Or how about the rationing of health care? Is this really what we want? Do we really want our parents to be denied medicine or surgery because a bureaucrat decides it’s not cost effective?

Every time the government decides, “something must be done”, they inevitably make things worse. They never seem to learn, to leave well enough alone. The Japanese lost decade, the Great Depression, the New Deal. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, while expecting a different outcome.

Sounds kind of like what’s going on now, doesn’t it?