Friday, February 13, 2009

1071 Pages-- Voted On, But Why Bother To Read It?

Obama got his 1071 page, 787 billion dollar spendulus plan.

The good news for you,, if you have a job, is that you can possibly get up to 13 bucks more in your check each week.
The really good news is that those who don't pay taxes at all will be the first to benefit from this package.

Washington just sold your children and grandchildren into servitude to pay for welfare-- aren't you proud?

Oh yes, remember how Obama was going to cap CEO salaries? Not so now. That provision was removed from the bill. It turns out that those same CEO's who were demonized, also pay about one billion a year in taxes. The Dems don't want to lose that revenue.

Back in November 2007, Barack Obama promised the American people transparency in government. That he would ensure bills were posted at least 48 hours for the public to see.

He promised the strongest ethics of any president ever. He said no lobbyist would be allowed to work in his cabinet.

Well, the bill was printed at midnight, then voted on less than twelve ours later. No one got to read it. The House speaker denied having the bill read in debate. Debate was forced closed less than two hours in and the vote was forced,, despite the fact that no one knows what the hell is in this bill!

As far as Obama and ethics-- so far he's managed to break pretty much every promise, every rule, every prinicple he touted on the campaign trail.

So much for promises. So much for change.

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