Saturday, February 14, 2009

Obama Touts Passage of Bill as Advance in Health Care

If you'll remember, I mentioned that this health care reform initiative was a trojan horse for democrats to institute socialized medicine.

Now, think carefully- did President Obama put any spotlight on this provision prior to it's passage? No? Then why is the white House now crowing about the provision?

Didn't the House of Representatives institute a gag order on debate about the bill? Why would they do that?

Was the public given the promised 48 hours to review the bill? No? Why is that?

Were the people voting on the bill given opportunity to even read what they were voting on?

Let me ask a hypothetical; Would you allow a surgeon to operate on you without his knowing what is wrong with you, and how to correct it? Even better, would you allow that same surgeon to act this way with your child?

Then why are we allowing the politicians to act in the exact same way with our childrens future, and our own?

Remember I wrote about this when a Federal Council on Health Care denies you a procedure because it doesn't fit their model on comparative-effectiveness research.

This bill has undone all the progress on welfare reform-- prior to this bill, Clinton had signed a welfare reform bill that shifted the burden of welfare back on the states, thus, the states with incentives to go to work,, also had the lowest welfare. Now, all US working citizens will pay for those states who have the largest welfare rolls. ie, Texas will now pony up for California's pie in the sky wet dream liberal programs. (Just an example, but accurate.)

Want my advice on how to spend that extra 13 bucks week we'll be getting? Buy ammo. At least then you can hunt to provide for your family.

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