Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Obama Transparency Rather Murky

Barack Obama campaigned on the idea of returning ethics and honesty to Washington. He enacted tough rules concerning lobbyist being appointed. He reveled in the idea of creating 4 million jobs and providing an economic recovery plan.

All admirable goals.

Too bad he's done exactly the opposite of what he promised,, and made no bones about it. After all, "he won",, right?

Let's look at it for a moment;

Timothy Geithner as treasury secretary-- so we pick a cheat. A tax scofflaw to run the treasury??That's change we can believe in??

Tom Daschle is President Barack Obama's nominee to oversee the Health and Human Services Department.--- Ok, here's yet another tax scofflaw,, to the tune of over one hundred thousand dollars. That's more than most American even make a year, much less what we pay in taxes.

And how about the IRS? If you or I owed this kind of money, the IRS would have locked down every single thing we had until that debt was settled.

Now where oh where are our ethics,, and our observation of rules we put in place ourselves. I mean, come on Barry, you broke your own rule on lobbyists one day after you made it.

So much for tough new rules, eh Barry?

Triffles I say,, mere triffles. (Especially if you're Obama-- after all,, he won).

The real 800 pound gorilla in the room is the "recovery" bill.

I took the time to actually read the entire 600+ page bill.
Folks, it's scary. It's a entitlement wet dream come true. It's not just a pork barrel on spending, it's the whole pig farm.

By my own admittedly non-expert judgement, it was 80% pork, and about 20% that could conceivably be called economy stimulating.

But rest assured America, California will have the best damn ATV trails in the world.

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