Monday, February 9, 2009

Mr. Obama's Age of Transparency

President Obama said in Indiana today that he couldn't guarantee that every item in the stimulus package would work.

No kidding? Really?

If anyone reads this, remember I said it before the plan went into effect--- it. will. not. work.
When it doesn't work, Democrats will want a second stimulus bill.

If spending was all it took to get clear of a economic downturn, the Great Depression would have ended sooner. The Soviet Union would have won the cold war, Japan would have recovered from their real estate/banking collapse, hell, Sweden would be an economic powerhouse.

Spending your way out of financial ruin only causes further ruin. Take a page from the American people Mr. President-- Americans are adjusting by cutting waste in their homes and budgets.

Mr. President- your credit card is maxed out.

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