Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Obama experts claim the socialized health care that is being pushed through will cost us all 1.3 trillion.
Frankly, I think that's so low ball that it's insulting. Economists related to the health care industry claim 2.26 trillion is closer to reality.

What the Obama administration isn't telling us is just how they plan to contain costs, and the answer is simple--rationing.

Currently, lets say you over exercised, and ripped a knee tendon. You go to your doctor, s/he sends you to an orthopedic surgeon, s/he schedules a surgery after verifying you do in fact need surgery,,,then you go and get the corrective surgery.

Under Obamacare, you have the same scenario,, but now your primary care doctor has to go to a appointed bureaucrat to get permission for you to see a orthopedic surgeon, who then has to ensure the surgery is within the budget, AND that you are not too old (by government definition-- over 65), and a year later, you get the surgery...maybe.

Right now, Congress is exploring how to pay for such an abomination. One of the options on the table is taxing your medical benefits from your job. Estimates are this could increase your taxes1,000-3,000 a year in new taxes.

With that being the case, why on earth would anyone keep their insurance?
Why would anyone in their right mind step up to pay for government involvement between you and your doctor, after all, look at the bang up job the government has done with the post office, social security, and the auto industry.

Having government involved in running health care will absolutely be the end of a system that innovates, that leads research, that people from the world over come to when they want the best care. We will become no better than Great Britain or Canada when it comes to health care.