Saturday, May 9, 2009

Pelosi Using EIT on an Unsuspecting Public

December 2007, Pelosi stated she had been briefed on the enhanced interrogation techniques by the Bush administration, and that they might be used.

April 23rd, 2009, Pelosi insisted she had never, I repeat, never been briefed on EIT, nor that it had been used.

This week, the CIA released records showing Nancy Pelosi had not only been briefed on EIT, but that it had been used and information obtained.

Not only did she actually know about EIT and its use- she, along with other lawmakers voted 13 times to continue funding the program.

Perhaps Nancy is getting too senile to serve? Should someone with such memory lapses be allowed to serve as Speaker of the House, or be trusted with classified material?

Or is it that Nancy Pelosi is a opportunistic, lying, amoral slimebag who needs to be prosecuted right along with the former administration if she persists with the so called "Truth Commission"?

I wish I could say I'm shocked and surprised, but in all honesty- I'm not. I've come to expect our politicians to be lying unethical, amoralistic slimebags. It's par for the course. Congressional behavior such as we're seeing could be construed as illegal, as enhanced, and as unsavory- to say the least.