Monday, May 4, 2009

Obama's Green Agenda- Job Saver or Job Disaster?

President Obama was fond of touting Europe's green initiatives during his campaign, and still holds up Spain's progress in creating green energy.

What the President doesn't tell us is that in Spain, it took 37 billion a year in tax revenue to create just 50,000 jobs. That's 750,000 per job. That's an ongoing annual expense.

He also doesn't bring up that Spain lost 4 jobs for every "green" job created, or that Spain now has a 17% unemployment rate.

I would really like to know why Obama and the liberal press have not only glossed over these facts, but completely omitted telling the American public. Why have they chosen to hide what a economic disaster "green technology" has been in Europe? What could the motive be?

I don't know what their motive could be, but someone wiser than me once told me-- If you can't find a motive, follow the money.