Monday, April 6, 2009

Does Obama Need Political Viagra?

I've not written lately, simply because I'm having trouble believing that some of the things I'm seeing and reading about could actually happen in the United States. I'm pissed off and disgusted with our government- and apparently, I'm far from the only one.

We have a president who apparently hates everything America stands for, who wants us to become more like the EU-- and boy isn't that working out well for Europe? Michelle Obama said she's finally proud of her country. I can honestly say, I'm ashamed of our President.

We no longer have a War on Terror-- really Mr. President? Then why in the hell are our military service people dying then ??? You do them insult and disservice by marginalizing what they do to keep us safe, you disrespectful pillar of the left.

Cap and Trade-- (Or as I like to think of it, Cap and Tax), The only ones who don't think this will increase our utility bills by 50-100%, is the President and his administration. Every single other analyst estimates electric companies will increase rates 50-100% to pass this tax on to consumers. A little advice Mr. President, work out the green technology before hitting We the People with crushing financial burdens.

Border Violence-- The Obama administration claims 90% of the guns come from the US. Oh really?? Since when do we have access to full automatic assault weapons?? Since when do we have access to RPG's and grenades?? Who in this country has access to military grade weapons? Ohhh, that's right-- the government does. Now, am I saying the Obama administration is selling weapons to Mexican drug gangs? No, I'm not, it's just as ridiculous as their claims that We the People are selling those weapons to those gangs. Do I dispute the weapons are moving through the US to Mexico? Nope, I believe those weapons are moving through the US, through ports in Mexico, and across borders to the south of Mexico; in other words- they're coming in from all points of access to Mexican drug Cartels. But I promise you-- the weapons are not legal in the US, and therefor, NOT COMING FROM LEGAL SOURCES IN THE US.

Deficit-- Obama claims he "inherited" this mess. In a way, he did. He's also doubling the deficit in less than three months. He also suspended his presidential campaign to rush back to the Senate to loudly and vociferously demand that the TARP pass. He's also spent more money than all presidents before him combined. What scares me almost as much, is his plans--have no details. No plan in place, period. Just-- Hey!! This sounds like a great idea to spend money on. We have no idea what it'll really cost, or how to go about implementing it, but what the hell,,lets throw a couple of trillion at the problem,, and maybe some will stick.
Obama claimed during his campaign that his plan would "create or save four million jobs". Huh. Guess that promise didn't work out too well for ya,, did it Mr. President?

Transparency "Sunlight before Signing"-- Obama promised to post pending legislation for 5 business days on the Internet for citizens to peruse. Ummm, ok, when does that start? Another broken promise. That SCHIP bill was obviously emergency legislation. It also created the largest tax hike on tobacco ever passed. Unfortunately, we need another 52 million smokers to actually fund SCHIP. Another grand idea to lay at Obama's feet.

Pork Reform--- Can you say-- 8700 earmarks? Guess we're not really reforming earmarks and pork after all.

G20--- Obama went to the G20 with the stated goal of talking the EU into spending trillions like we are, getting more combat troops for Afghanistan, and mending fences with European leaders.
Lets look at the scorecard- No new combat troops, no trillions, except for the 800 billion Mr. Obama pledged to the IMF, and Obama came off sounding weak. That scores as a zero in my book.

North Korea-- North Korea launches a multistage missile, that could be used to deliver weapons. Despite the fact the second stage failed to separate from the third stage, and it splashed down in the Pacific, we must remember that it did go 2000 miles. Mr. Obama loudly spoke out that North Korea must face consequences, and as we've seen, the impotent UN will do nothing. Our impotent President will do pretty much the same thing-- nothing but talk.

All in all, President Obama has shown a clear ability to rabble rouse, spend obscene amounts of tax payers money in grossly inefficient ways, break every campaign promise he made, and cave in to every two bit leader around the world.

Watching Obama in action is like watching a train wreck happen in slow motion. It's horrifying, yet we can't look away.