Monday, April 20, 2009

Obama Releases Classified Memos

President Obama released classified memos concerning interrogation methods used by the CIA. His claim is that a pending lawsuit would have required the release of the information anyway.

Really? Hmmm, I thought the Federal government could classify information at will. Since this appears to not be the case any longer, does this mean we can sue the Obama administration to release all information we want? How about releasing just what information we did obtain by harsh interrogations?

Gee,, this could get fun.

As far as the methods used by the CIA, waterboarding, slaps and slams into walls- all with a doctor present to ensure the health and safety of the terrorist. (Oops, sorry, I meant the "man made disaster initiator". After all, only right wingers and military vets are terrorists, right?)

Now, lets take a look at the methods our enemies use.
Upon your capture, you will be beaten half to death daily, and when your captors tire of that sport, you will be hustled into a room with a black hood over your head, screamed at, slapped around, kicked, then the hood is ripped off and you will have your head hacked off while a camera catches every brutal detail. It will take these rank amateurs several minutes to finally severe your head, all the while you will feel it right up to the end. Your family will probably see the video on the web.

President Obama claimed today that he didn't want the US to "stoop to the level of our enemies". Well, for once, I am in complete agreement. But I am also outraged that Obama would even compare what we have done to what the terrorists have done.

Former Vice-President Chaney claims fully half of what we know about our enemies came from harsh interrogations. By Obama giving aid and succor to our enemies, by clearly telling our enemies around the world that the have nothing to fear from us, that what they know will remain sacrosanct, how much more danger are we all in?