Tuesday, April 14, 2009

DHS report on “right-wing extremism”

The pdf can be found here .

In essence, what it says is that, due to the recession, white supremacist groups, fears of new gun legislation, the election of an African American president, and last but not least, military veterans, right wing extremists can potentially cause terrorist acts in the US.

What?? You you serious??

What feckless, sniveling, whining, craven worthless crawling pus bag of pig offal of a political appointee with a political axe to grind came up with this absolutely insulting piece of crap of a report???

What kind of traitorous, back stabbing, left acid tripping, faithless creep could actually get something like this published to actually go out to law enforcement??

So now, if you're outspoken against the Obama administration, you're labeled as a "right wing extremist." You're a danger to public order. If you're a military veteran, you could be co-opted by "right wing extremists".

Recent shooting deaths are categorized as "right wing extremism". No you buttholes, it's criminal activity, pure and simple. I'll say this though, right now, if me and most of my friends are considered "right wing extremists", I'll take it. It beats being a mealy mouthed punk who bows to Kings.

Show one shred of proof that returning combat vets are plotting against the United States you cowardly slanderous pieces of horse fecal matter.

Look at the report-- DHS has ZERO data about any threat. Not one shred of anything to back up this warning. It's all entirely politically driven.

I am a Veteran, and proud of it. I also, like every other Veteran, took an oath, To Protect and Serve The Constitution, from ALL Enemies, Foreign...and Domestic.

Take that how you will.