Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Obama Administration is Racist?

At the core of this headline is the New Haven Firefighters suit over reverse discrimination that is being heard by the Supreme court.

One hundred and eighteen people took the test. Fifty-six passed, of those nineteen were eligible for the 15 open slots. Of those, no minorities would have been eligible for promotion to lieutenant, and two Hispanics would have been eligible for promotion to captain.

When the city of New Haven saw the results, they threw out the entire test, despite the fact that more people passed than they had open slots for. This wasn't a case of no one passing, just not any of the right color.

Marcelli, who made the top score, and is white, felt is was gut-wrenching to see that his hard work was for nothing.

Eric Holder, representing the Obama administration, came out today stating that the administration was supporting the city of New Haven in their decision to not to hire based on race.
He also recently claimed that Americans are cowards on race. Perhaps it is time to have a frank discussion about racism- like why certain races are protected by law, why hiring is based on race, and why the best person for a job isn't hired because he isn't a minority.