Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Is it about Health Care Reform? Or Something Else?

We heard many speeches from a lot of politicians about health care reform. We've even heard so many different iterations from Obama that we really have no idea just what the hell his real position is.

We've heard the left scream- "Health Care For All!!!!" and "Sock it to the rich!!!"

We've heard the right scream- " No to socialism!!!" and "No more taxes!!!"

Perhaps this is exactly what the left wants? After all, part of the plan is to confuse the true issues with screaming, to shout down your opponents. Sorols would be proud.

Or perhaps we don't know Obama's true position because the last time he revealed it-- he wasn't POTUS then. In 2003 at a AFL-CIO conference, Obama clearly states he wants a single payer system. A complete socialists wet dream.

In a socialistic system, we the people stand around with our hat in our hands, begging for anything we can get. That is, unless you're among the politically powerful- they still will have the best of everything. In a socialistic system- the politicians wield complete power over the people,, of course, all in the name of "social justice".

That's not the United States. It's not the country I grew up in. What they want to turn it into, isn't a country I want to leave to my children.

Obama ran on a centrists platform- it's how he got the independents. But as soon as he got in- all the promises of reform for DC politics, the promises of transparency, all the accountability disappeared, just like early morning mist.

What appeared in it's place, is a revealed strong tie to organized labor, a strong tie to radicals, communists, and a hard left bent to his policies.

Like every politician, he lied. So, is it really about health care? Or is it a power grab by an out of control government?