Monday, August 10, 2009

The Destruction of America

I've stayed away from my blog for a while, simply because I could no longer stomach just how blind and deaf our elected officials are. I couldn't accept just how willing so many of them are to destroy our way of life, and fundamentally and radically alter the United States into some pale shadow of Europe.

Lets look at some of the deliberate ignorance our elected officials so shamefully, and proudly display;

--Senator Boxer insists that protesters at Town Hall meetings must be plants- after all, they are all too well dresses. (News flash Ma'am, That's what people with jobs look like.) Yes, the "Ma'am" comment is deliberate-- she finds it demeaning. Probably as demeaning as the public finds her comments.

--Nancy Pelosi insists that American anger is "manufactured" and any conservative movement is "astroturf", that it's "un-american" to protest, that conservative protesters are using Nazi symbols. Really?? Where was your outrage at the same tactics used by liberals in your own home district concerning the war???

---President Obama swears to hit back harder, he calls out his thugs in ACORN and the SEIU union to beat the shit out of regular Americans who simply insist that their elected officials hear them. President Obama insists anyone who disagrees with him to shut up and get out of his way. Really??? Say,, Barrack,, do you really think the American people will rollover and let Chicago organized crime politics hold sway over the nation?? Do you really believe we'll hold still for that?

---Liberal media is complicit in whitewashing the entire mess and demonizing regular citizens. People who simply want a few things from Washington.

What is it we want?

1. Read the fucking Bill you're voting on. Don't just protect your own power Senators, Congressmen- you represent us, not yourselves.

2. Use some common sense. If we're broke, don't make it worse by imposing the worst deficit EVER.

3. If you pass health care bills- make sure you have to use it also. Don't set up yourselves as an elite that thinks its better than we are.

This Country was founded on the principles of self reliance, Independence, and freedom. Our government is moving more swiftly than ever to overturn those principles. Our government will not rest until they have complete control, cradle to grave over all citizens.

Right now, working class citizens are talking. Don't push us into taking up weapons.