Friday, August 14, 2009

Elimination of Waste and Corruption

In Obama's town hall meetings, he insists two thirds of the cost of healthcare reform will come from eliminating waste and streamlining the process.

Kind of like how the government does with Medicare? Or how about Social Security? Perhaps the Post Office?

Two of the last things the government EVER is, is streamlined and efficient. When we think of bloated bureaucracies, the very first thing that comes to mind is always government run programs. When we think of corruption, we think first of government, and second of big business. (Despite the fact both are corrupt, I think our government is infinitely more so).

Barrack Obama's Economic Recovery act was supposed to be set up for shovel ready projects, yet is bloated with every liberals wet dream of wasteful spending imaginable. Yet, we're supposed to believe that the same government who has bankrupted SS, Medicare, Postal Service, bailed out Wall Street and the banks-- can somehow run 1/6 of the American economy and make rational decisions for all of us about our health care? I mean, after all- they do such a bang up job on everything else they run.

Right. Sure. If you believe that- I got some really prime land I can sell you.