Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Obama Administration is Racist?

At the core of this headline is the New Haven Firefighters suit over reverse discrimination that is being heard by the Supreme court.

One hundred and eighteen people took the test. Fifty-six passed, of those nineteen were eligible for the 15 open slots. Of those, no minorities would have been eligible for promotion to lieutenant, and two Hispanics would have been eligible for promotion to captain.

When the city of New Haven saw the results, they threw out the entire test, despite the fact that more people passed than they had open slots for. This wasn't a case of no one passing, just not any of the right color.

Marcelli, who made the top score, and is white, felt is was gut-wrenching to see that his hard work was for nothing.

Eric Holder, representing the Obama administration, came out today stating that the administration was supporting the city of New Haven in their decision to not to hire based on race.
He also recently claimed that Americans are cowards on race. Perhaps it is time to have a frank discussion about racism- like why certain races are protected by law, why hiring is based on race, and why the best person for a job isn't hired because he isn't a minority.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Obama Releases Classified Memos

President Obama released classified memos concerning interrogation methods used by the CIA. His claim is that a pending lawsuit would have required the release of the information anyway.

Really? Hmmm, I thought the Federal government could classify information at will. Since this appears to not be the case any longer, does this mean we can sue the Obama administration to release all information we want? How about releasing just what information we did obtain by harsh interrogations?

Gee,, this could get fun.

As far as the methods used by the CIA, waterboarding, slaps and slams into walls- all with a doctor present to ensure the health and safety of the terrorist. (Oops, sorry, I meant the "man made disaster initiator". After all, only right wingers and military vets are terrorists, right?)

Now, lets take a look at the methods our enemies use.
Upon your capture, you will be beaten half to death daily, and when your captors tire of that sport, you will be hustled into a room with a black hood over your head, screamed at, slapped around, kicked, then the hood is ripped off and you will have your head hacked off while a camera catches every brutal detail. It will take these rank amateurs several minutes to finally severe your head, all the while you will feel it right up to the end. Your family will probably see the video on the web.

President Obama claimed today that he didn't want the US to "stoop to the level of our enemies". Well, for once, I am in complete agreement. But I am also outraged that Obama would even compare what we have done to what the terrorists have done.

Former Vice-President Chaney claims fully half of what we know about our enemies came from harsh interrogations. By Obama giving aid and succor to our enemies, by clearly telling our enemies around the world that the have nothing to fear from us, that what they know will remain sacrosanct, how much more danger are we all in?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tax Day Tea Party Revolts

DHS calls us extremists. The Los Angles Times calls us fringe lunatics. Mainstream media isn't covering the protests because they consider us disgruntled losers.

Let me tell you who we are. We're fathers, mothers, sons and daughters. We're husbands, wives and grandparents. We're Americans, we're tax payers, we're people who have been playing by the rules. We're also standing in the streets, silent no more.

Now we're damn mad at government. We're mad at rewards for failure, we're mad at the generational theft fedzilla is doing.

We're outraged at the complete abandonment of our founding fathers principles.

This is your chance to listen. Ignore it at your peril.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

DHS report on “right-wing extremism”

The pdf can be found here .

In essence, what it says is that, due to the recession, white supremacist groups, fears of new gun legislation, the election of an African American president, and last but not least, military veterans, right wing extremists can potentially cause terrorist acts in the US.

What?? You you serious??

What feckless, sniveling, whining, craven worthless crawling pus bag of pig offal of a political appointee with a political axe to grind came up with this absolutely insulting piece of crap of a report???

What kind of traitorous, back stabbing, left acid tripping, faithless creep could actually get something like this published to actually go out to law enforcement??

So now, if you're outspoken against the Obama administration, you're labeled as a "right wing extremist." You're a danger to public order. If you're a military veteran, you could be co-opted by "right wing extremists".

Recent shooting deaths are categorized as "right wing extremism". No you buttholes, it's criminal activity, pure and simple. I'll say this though, right now, if me and most of my friends are considered "right wing extremists", I'll take it. It beats being a mealy mouthed punk who bows to Kings.

Show one shred of proof that returning combat vets are plotting against the United States you cowardly slanderous pieces of horse fecal matter.

Look at the report-- DHS has ZERO data about any threat. Not one shred of anything to back up this warning. It's all entirely politically driven.

I am a Veteran, and proud of it. I also, like every other Veteran, took an oath, To Protect and Serve The Constitution, from ALL Enemies, Foreign...and Domestic.

Take that how you will.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Lunacy in Healthcare

A recent article relates some of why healthcare is in trouble. After reading the article, I ran reports at work to see how our own hospital fared under the same problems. (Yes, I already knew we had an extraordinary number of "habitual offenders".)

Here goes;

1. A illegal immigrant requiring dialysis came to the ER 3 times a week to get approval for dialysis. Each ER visit costs taxpayers an average of $1000.00-1500.00, Dialysis costs an average of $350.00 per session.
That is approximately $156,000.00 per year for ER visits and another $54,600.00 for dialysis for a grand total of $210,600.00 a year for this one illegal. We have a total of 22 illegals doing the same thing to get dialysis. That's better than 4.6 million spent at one county hospital on just illegal immigrant dialysis.

2. One crack smoker-- This woman had asthma, and smoked crack cocaine. By the time she was 42 years old, she had been intubated and put in the ICU 44 times, with an average length of stay of 8 days. 7,000.00 per intubation for 308,000.00, $1500.00 per day in the ICU for $528,000.00 total. She also incurred costs for three heart attacks, four strokes, the last of which ended her life. In all, the approximate total to the taxpayer was almost 2 million on her own.

3. Homeless- We have approximately 30 different homeless patients who come in an average of four times a week for everything from COPD, to substance abuse, to vague undefinable complaints. (Typically-- that its cold outside or hot outside, or to panhandle in the ER--no, we don't allow panhandling.) I only chose the top visitors-- those that use the ER greater than 3 times a week. These thirty patients cost the taxpayers approximately 6.2 million a year.

As you can see, a relatively few patients can result in extraordinary expenses. Our ER sees approximately 120-150 thousand patients a year. You can begin to see how quickly it adds up.

Now, as to the cost;

1. Medical professionals practice "defensive medicine". What that means is, that we might well be fairly positive what you have, due to tort and government regulations, we automatically screen you for anything that might cause your symptoms. This is incredibly expensive and slow, as we have to wait on ALL the results before telling YOU what we were likely to tell you right from the start.
How often does this method result in a different diagnosis? About once in 10,000 cases.
Is that often enough to warrant us working in this way? Depends on if you're the 1 in 10000 wouldn't you say?

2. Every single piece of equipment has to pass FDA approval prior to use-- what this means is regardless what it is, if it's used in medicine, it has to pass years of testing by the FDA to ensure safety. This adds billions to the cost of medical equipment annually. Biomedical companies are not in the business for altruistic reasons, just as you don't work for nothing. 'nuff said?

OK, now for the bugaboo lefties just swoon over. Socialized Healthcare;

British citizens pay over twice the taxes Americans do. Doesn't sound like much, right?
OK, in Britain, they ration healthcare. Healthcare is "free"....when you can get it. (It's only free in the sense that you don't pay for it at point of service,, you actually pay for it in taxes). Patients needing a bypass surgery in the UK wait an average of 175 days to get it. Wait times for a MRI in Canada is a whopping 22 months.
Some reports have initiation of treatment for pancreas cancer in Canada being months, despite the urgent need for interventions immediately.

You see, in socialized medicine, all care is rationed, budgeted, and unavailable once the annual procedures have all been spent, despite need. In the British system, care is more restricted on the elderly, as they have less to contribute to society because their working years are behind them.

When it comes to medical professionals in socialized medicine- Canada and the UK can't seem to keep people in nursing and working as doctors. Both lag behind in OECD averages due to lack of pay, horrible conditions and patient overloads.

Just remember- Government knows what you need for health care better than you do,, right?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Does Obama Need Political Viagra?

I've not written lately, simply because I'm having trouble believing that some of the things I'm seeing and reading about could actually happen in the United States. I'm pissed off and disgusted with our government- and apparently, I'm far from the only one.

We have a president who apparently hates everything America stands for, who wants us to become more like the EU-- and boy isn't that working out well for Europe? Michelle Obama said she's finally proud of her country. I can honestly say, I'm ashamed of our President.

We no longer have a War on Terror-- really Mr. President? Then why in the hell are our military service people dying then ??? You do them insult and disservice by marginalizing what they do to keep us safe, you disrespectful pillar of the left.

Cap and Trade-- (Or as I like to think of it, Cap and Tax), The only ones who don't think this will increase our utility bills by 50-100%, is the President and his administration. Every single other analyst estimates electric companies will increase rates 50-100% to pass this tax on to consumers. A little advice Mr. President, work out the green technology before hitting We the People with crushing financial burdens.

Border Violence-- The Obama administration claims 90% of the guns come from the US. Oh really?? Since when do we have access to full automatic assault weapons?? Since when do we have access to RPG's and grenades?? Who in this country has access to military grade weapons? Ohhh, that's right-- the government does. Now, am I saying the Obama administration is selling weapons to Mexican drug gangs? No, I'm not, it's just as ridiculous as their claims that We the People are selling those weapons to those gangs. Do I dispute the weapons are moving through the US to Mexico? Nope, I believe those weapons are moving through the US, through ports in Mexico, and across borders to the south of Mexico; in other words- they're coming in from all points of access to Mexican drug Cartels. But I promise you-- the weapons are not legal in the US, and therefor, NOT COMING FROM LEGAL SOURCES IN THE US.

Deficit-- Obama claims he "inherited" this mess. In a way, he did. He's also doubling the deficit in less than three months. He also suspended his presidential campaign to rush back to the Senate to loudly and vociferously demand that the TARP pass. He's also spent more money than all presidents before him combined. What scares me almost as much, is his plans--have no details. No plan in place, period. Just-- Hey!! This sounds like a great idea to spend money on. We have no idea what it'll really cost, or how to go about implementing it, but what the hell,,lets throw a couple of trillion at the problem,, and maybe some will stick.
Obama claimed during his campaign that his plan would "create or save four million jobs". Huh. Guess that promise didn't work out too well for ya,, did it Mr. President?

Transparency "Sunlight before Signing"-- Obama promised to post pending legislation for 5 business days on the Internet for citizens to peruse. Ummm, ok, when does that start? Another broken promise. That SCHIP bill was obviously emergency legislation. It also created the largest tax hike on tobacco ever passed. Unfortunately, we need another 52 million smokers to actually fund SCHIP. Another grand idea to lay at Obama's feet.

Pork Reform--- Can you say-- 8700 earmarks? Guess we're not really reforming earmarks and pork after all.

G20--- Obama went to the G20 with the stated goal of talking the EU into spending trillions like we are, getting more combat troops for Afghanistan, and mending fences with European leaders.
Lets look at the scorecard- No new combat troops, no trillions, except for the 800 billion Mr. Obama pledged to the IMF, and Obama came off sounding weak. That scores as a zero in my book.

North Korea-- North Korea launches a multistage missile, that could be used to deliver weapons. Despite the fact the second stage failed to separate from the third stage, and it splashed down in the Pacific, we must remember that it did go 2000 miles. Mr. Obama loudly spoke out that North Korea must face consequences, and as we've seen, the impotent UN will do nothing. Our impotent President will do pretty much the same thing-- nothing but talk.

All in all, President Obama has shown a clear ability to rabble rouse, spend obscene amounts of tax payers money in grossly inefficient ways, break every campaign promise he made, and cave in to every two bit leader around the world.

Watching Obama in action is like watching a train wreck happen in slow motion. It's horrifying, yet we can't look away.