Friday, May 22, 2009

The Reasons I'm Concerned

Friends and family have asked me over the last 12 months or so just why I'm so convinced that things are on their way to an implosion for America.

Three years ago, I got an uneasy feeling about the economy. It didn't make any sense on the surface at the time. After all, the Dow was over 10k, easy money was to had just for the asking, credit nearly shoved on us in obscene amounts.

That was exactly what bothered me. It took me a while to realize it, but eventually I did. When my mortgage company was willing to offer me what amounted to twice my homes value, and credit card companies were willing to offer me what amounted to my annual salary, I knew in my gut that the collapse was coming.

Then the mortgage industry started collapsing. I immediately moved my 401K out of stocks and into bonds, thinking that regardless how bad it got, bonds would hold. I was wrong. Fitch ratings is downgrading pretty much all state bonds. Federal or Treasury bonds are iffy at best.

Anyhow, then the stock market crashed. Once it crashed, businesses folded, unemployment skyrocketed, (I still think we're being lied to by the Fed about real unemployment numbers), the economy staggered into a deflationary cycle.

As a result, Congress panicked, passed a hugely bloated "Recovery Act", just chock full of every single Congress critters wet dream on spending. (787 Billion) They followed this folly up with the omnibus bill which simply had the rest of their pet projects on spending. (400+ billion)

This was followed by the 3.7 trillion dollar 2009 budget, bringing the deficit (at the time,, trust me, it gets worse) up doubled.

Now we get the 1st quarter numbers on income for the fed-- taxes paid in. They normally collect about 670 billion per quarter. They barely collected 400 billion. Taxes are down simply because the ECONOMY is down. People are out of work, businesses have shuttered their doors.

Now, you ask why this is important. What less revenue does is increase the deficit. After all, the Federal government isn't going to decrease their spending. If anything, they're spending faster and faster.
CBO has revised their estimate on the deficit. It will jump from 10.6 trillion to over 18 trillion,, just on the strength of less revenue.

Now, the president has decided to "reform" credit card companies. Sounds good on the surface, but the nitty gritty is- it protects those in trouble, and punishes those who are good customers.


Hmmm, sounds just like whats going on for the last six months, eh?

Now, lets throw in the taxes that are going to go up to pay for Obama care.

Just wait until we taxpayers get the bill for bailing out California, Massachusetts, Michigan, ect, ect ad nauseum, ad infiniteum.

Mark my words- If you are a responsible, law abiding tax payer- you're about to get screwed by Obama & company. I'll be surprised if we ALL don't end up paying 60% of our income in Taxes.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Enhanced Interrogation

  1. Prolonged isolation.
  2. Prolonged sleep deprivation.
  3. Sensory deprivation.
  4. Extremely painful stress positions.
  5. Sensory bombardment (such as prolonged loud noise and/or bright lights).
  6. Forced nakedness.
  7. Sexual humiliation.
  8. Cultural humiliation (such as desecration of holy scriptures).
  9. Being subjected to extreme cold that induces hypothermia.
  10. Exploitation of phobias.
  11. Simulation of the experience of drowning, in other words- waterboarding.
Sounds just like what I went through in SERE training. (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape).
The difference being, I was being trained to resist interrogation by foreign operatives, and detainees were being interrogated. Where it is the same is-- no permanent harm was done to either class of subjects. Ergo, it's not torture.
Others claim it's a violation of the Geneva Convention.-- Sorry,, but it's not. These are not uniformed members of a recognized military or militia of any nation.

Terrorists falls into a really uncomfortable grey area under international law. They don't fit any of the international conventions of military, nor of national forces or political identities. What they are is a multinational, continent hopping scourge on society.

Terrorists don't utilize "enhanced interrogation", the beat you half to death. They break your bones, cut you up, then behead you on camera for the benefit of shocking and terrorizing law abiding peoples the world over. They utilize the act of terror to enforce their will over a unwilling people. Prime example was Afghanistan under the Taliban. U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan absolutely will not allow themselves to be captured because they know without doubt that they will be tortured and beheaded.

Now, how do we deal with them?

My answer is simple, yet politically unacceptable. Take no prisoners. None, Zero, Nadda. No quarter. Kill every single arms bearing person who confronts our troops. The terrorists claim they are in a Jihad against us.
Fine, a war to the knife is fine with us. We absolutely can kill them in job lots. We had better accept that this war will not be over until the last mothers son is dead and buried. To believe any other way is to lose this conflict, and invite the animals to kill our civilians in job lots once more.

Obama's ideals are grand, his acceptance of losing American civilians to terror is regal. He seems to have forgotten that the American publicabsolutely will crucify him if we are attacked again.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Obama experts claim the socialized health care that is being pushed through will cost us all 1.3 trillion.
Frankly, I think that's so low ball that it's insulting. Economists related to the health care industry claim 2.26 trillion is closer to reality.

What the Obama administration isn't telling us is just how they plan to contain costs, and the answer is simple--rationing.

Currently, lets say you over exercised, and ripped a knee tendon. You go to your doctor, s/he sends you to an orthopedic surgeon, s/he schedules a surgery after verifying you do in fact need surgery,,,then you go and get the corrective surgery.

Under Obamacare, you have the same scenario,, but now your primary care doctor has to go to a appointed bureaucrat to get permission for you to see a orthopedic surgeon, who then has to ensure the surgery is within the budget, AND that you are not too old (by government definition-- over 65), and a year later, you get the surgery...maybe.

Right now, Congress is exploring how to pay for such an abomination. One of the options on the table is taxing your medical benefits from your job. Estimates are this could increase your taxes1,000-3,000 a year in new taxes.

With that being the case, why on earth would anyone keep their insurance?
Why would anyone in their right mind step up to pay for government involvement between you and your doctor, after all, look at the bang up job the government has done with the post office, social security, and the auto industry.

Having government involved in running health care will absolutely be the end of a system that innovates, that leads research, that people from the world over come to when they want the best care. We will become no better than Great Britain or Canada when it comes to health care.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Pelosi Using EIT on an Unsuspecting Public

December 2007, Pelosi stated she had been briefed on the enhanced interrogation techniques by the Bush administration, and that they might be used.

April 23rd, 2009, Pelosi insisted she had never, I repeat, never been briefed on EIT, nor that it had been used.

This week, the CIA released records showing Nancy Pelosi had not only been briefed on EIT, but that it had been used and information obtained.

Not only did she actually know about EIT and its use- she, along with other lawmakers voted 13 times to continue funding the program.

Perhaps Nancy is getting too senile to serve? Should someone with such memory lapses be allowed to serve as Speaker of the House, or be trusted with classified material?

Or is it that Nancy Pelosi is a opportunistic, lying, amoral slimebag who needs to be prosecuted right along with the former administration if she persists with the so called "Truth Commission"?

I wish I could say I'm shocked and surprised, but in all honesty- I'm not. I've come to expect our politicians to be lying unethical, amoralistic slimebags. It's par for the course. Congressional behavior such as we're seeing could be construed as illegal, as enhanced, and as unsavory- to say the least.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The First Shots Fired

A new Montana law signed by the Governor, the Montana Firearms Freedom Act, is the first shot fired by states fighting back against the insidious control being implemented by the Federal government.

In ground breaking, and sure to be challenged in the Supreme Court defiance, Montana's new legislation exempts all firearms and ammunition made in Montana from Federal legislation.

The Federal government has long regulated firearms via authority granted to it in the Commerce Clause of the Constitution, on the premise that any gun or related device is automatically subject to Federal regulation because it may be involved in interstate commerce. These new laws would negate that, by protecting guns and related goods which do not cross state lines.

By exempting from such regulation any eligible gun or related device manufactured within its borders and which stays within those borders, the states are in essence denying the Federal government a fictional authority which it has long asserted. More importantly, the states are creating law-based protection against the very-real threat of a Federal gun registration/confiscation scheme.

Many predict that this new movement will lead to an epic legal battle over the Tenth Amendment "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people". If so, an Obama-weighted Supreme Court may end up deciding the issue.

Some are eager for a test case, hoping that some brave soul in Montana will notify the Feds that he or she is going to begin manufacture and sale of "Made in Montana" guns under this new law and without Federal oversight. The expectation is of immediate Federal prosecution of that individual, with the resulting court decision possibly being a major deciding factor in the feasibility and future of such laws.

It seems worthwhile for us to urge our state legislators to consider similar legislation. In fact, Utah and Texas are already presenting potentially similar legislation. Anything that preserves civil rights while taking some power out of the hands of the Federal government has got to be a good thing. Better wording than Montana used for any section that omits fully-automatic guns from the law would be a good idea for any such law, though - there's no reason shotguns shouldn't also be covered by the protection these laws provide.

I believe that this could be the first shots fired in a fight that may well determine the future of not only our nation, but our individual and state rights. I also have to think about just how long this civil war will remain civil, because those with power rarely ever give it up voluntarily.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Obama's Green Agenda- Job Saver or Job Disaster?

President Obama was fond of touting Europe's green initiatives during his campaign, and still holds up Spain's progress in creating green energy.

What the President doesn't tell us is that in Spain, it took 37 billion a year in tax revenue to create just 50,000 jobs. That's 750,000 per job. That's an ongoing annual expense.

He also doesn't bring up that Spain lost 4 jobs for every "green" job created, or that Spain now has a 17% unemployment rate.

I would really like to know why Obama and the liberal press have not only glossed over these facts, but completely omitted telling the American public. Why have they chosen to hide what a economic disaster "green technology" has been in Europe? What could the motive be?

I don't know what their motive could be, but someone wiser than me once told me-- If you can't find a motive, follow the money.

China cuts up Obama Administrations Credit Card

15 Years ago, the US had 44 lenders for selling national debt to. Today, it's 16, and dropping. China's Premier Wen publicly stated that China will not be buying the trillions of debt the Obama administration is trying to sell.

But no worries, according to Tim-tax cheat- Geithner, the Fed will purchase the Treasury bills that his department is selling.

Huh?? Hows that work??

We just print money to buy our own debt??

Try to imagine owing Visa 100,000 dollars,, and you only make 40k a year. Understandably, Visa would be a tad nervous. Try to imagine how nervous and angry they would be if you reassured them by telling them-- Oh, don't worry. I'll just print up the money to pay you.

That's exactly what the Obama administration is doing.

Is It Time To Discuss A Texas Secession?

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.

Every day we turn on the news, and we see the Federal government acting in ways that in no way represent the will of the people.

The public was against the bailouts, both Republicans and Democrats ignored us.
The public is against the government running private companies, the Fed ignored us.
The public is against generational theft that our children and grandchildren will slave to pay, the politicians ignored us.

We protest, and we're dismissed by the President.

Someone once asked me on a forum what I thought it would take to motivate the American people to revolt.
I replied that it would take out of control government, a dismissive power elite, an onerous tax burden and pampered entitlement class with loss of state and individual rights. I went on to say that I didn't believe it would happen in my lifetime.

That was two years ago.....and I've changed my mind. This government is dashing pellmell to ruin.

Obama Claims

Obama claimed in his April 29th news conference that the 787 billion dollar stimulus has already created or saved 150,000 jobs.

I started asking around how the White House came up with that number, and the short answer is---he made it up.

Every single major economist group has flatly said there is no way with more than 600k jobs being lost each week that the stimulus boondoggle has changed the rate of job loss.

To try to put a happy face on this economy is not only disingenuous, it's insulting.

But being disingenuous is what this President is all about.

After all, this is the administration that fired a CEO, that claims it doesn't want to run a car company- so why are they? If they're so pro-democracy and pro-capitalism, then why are they demonizing the funds who refused to sell out their investors so the Obama administration could get a better deal for the autoworkers union? Might I add that fully half the reason the auto industry is in such trouble is because of the unions.

This administration claims they don't want to control banks-- so why did they strong arm banks on TARP? Why did they quietly arrange for the FDIC to insure banks real estate loans?

Why can't this administration ever seem to say what they mean, and mean what they say? Where is the transparency we were promised?