Saturday, August 15, 2009

Glenn Beck & Revolution

Glenn Beck thinks we're headed for a peaceful revolution, that we should leave our "muskets" home and work within the "system".

I have a lot of respect for Glenn. He seems to honestly care about where we're headed as a country. Unfortunately, I don't believe that the "change" needed can occur without violence. I pray I'm wrong, but as each year passes, I cling to less hope.

Someone asked me the other day why I think this, and while the answer is simple, the explanation isn't.

The answer quite simply is power, and we the people don't hold it any longer. It's not even a problem of Democrat vs Republication- both equally rape the American people in their quest to fill their pockets, and steal more power from us.

The explanation falls into every area of America.


How are politicians elected? Your first answer is typically "by the people". Really? Who provides most of the money for a candidate to run his/her campaign?that answer is big corporations.

So why would they provide the sums of money they do in order to elect their candidate? What's the payoff?

That part is easy- they want legislation, money, or pork projects favorable to their interest. So far, pork spending in 2009 is over twenty billion for almost 11,000 projects.

Politicians keep telling us we "have to pass this or that legislation because it's the right thing to do". Unfortunately, they don't bother to pay for it.

Social Security was passed with the understanding that you pay into an account, the money sits there gaining interest until you retire.
Too bad they lied about that. It makes Bernie Madoff's ponzi scheme look like a piker. Bernie defrauded us for approximately 65 billion. Social Security unfunded obligations are in the neighborhood of of 7 trillion, with a total unfunded obligation for all government being approximately 65 trillion dollars. That's more than 11 trillion more than the entire world GDP.

We can't pay it. We have been defrauded. We have been lied to. But, in a way, we deserve it. We keep sending the same thieves and con men back to Washington.

The financial system cannot sustain this.
Let me put it another way-- could your personal finances sustain a debt that was so large you couldn't even pay the interest on?
No, you couldn't. You or I would be bankrupt.

The governments only desperate hope is to print money. A lot of money. Enough money to devalue the dollar to a level that they could pay the debt. Unfortunately, every country that has EVER done this has collapsed. It's called hyperinflation caused by:

The main cause of hyperinflation is a massive and rapid increase in the amount of money, which is not supported by growth in the output of goods and services. This results in an imbalance between the supply and demand for the money (including currency and bank deposits), accompanied by a complete loss of confidence in the money, similar to a bank run. Enactment of legal tender laws and price controls to prevent discounting the value of paper money relative to gold, silver, hard currency, or commodities, fails to force acceptance of a paper money which lacks intrinsic value. If the entity responsible for printing a currency promotes excessive money printing, with other factors contributing a reinforcing effect, hyperinflation usually continues. Often the body responsible for printing the currency cannot physically print paper currency faster than the rate at which it is devaluing, thus neutralizing their attempts to stimulate the economy......

As it allows a government to devalue their spending and displace (or avoid) a tax increase, governments have sometimes resorted to excessively loose monetary policy to meet their expenses. Inflation is considered by some another tax on citizens but less overt and is therefore harder to understand by ordinary citizens. Inflation can obscure quantitative assessments of the true cost of living, as published price indices only look at data in retrospect, so may increase only months or years later. Monetary inflation can become hyperinflation if monetary authorities fail to fund increasing government expenses from taxes, government debt, cost cutting, or by other means, because:

(1) during the time between recording or levying taxable transactions and collecting the taxes due, the value of the taxes collected falls in real value to a small fraction of the original taxes receivable;
(2) government debt issues fail to find buyers except at very deep discounts

Our government has all but admitted that this is their plan. They want us to believe they are wise enough to dump literally trillions of worthless dollars into the economy, and then pull them out before the cycle spirals out of control.
This, from the same idiots who can't run a "Cash for Clunkers" program. The same idiots who can't run the post office in the black, the same idiots who plundered Social Security and bankrupted Medicare with feel good, fiscally unsound plans.

That is the people who have the prints churning out printed money as fast as they can.

I maintain that nothing gets better until the greedy powerful short sighted idiots in government and business are out. I doubt a single one willingly gives up that power. Not unless they are forced to.

physicians opnion of financial bail out package

Physicians' Opinion of Financial Bail Out Package:

The Allergists voted to scratch it, but the Dermatologists
advised not to make any rash moves.

The Gastroenterologists had sort of a gut feeling about it,
but the Neurologists thought the Administration had a lot of

The Obstetricians felt they were all laboring under a

Ophthalmologists considered the idea shortsighted.

Pathologists yelled, "Over my dead body!" while
the Pediatricians said, 'Oh, Grow up!'

The Psychiatrists thought the whole idea was madness, while
the Radiologists could see right through it.

Surgeons decided to wash their hands of the whole thing.

The Internists thought it was a bitter pill to swallow,
and the Plastic Surgeons said, "This puts a whole new
face on the matter."

The Podiatrists thought it was a step forward, but the
Urologists were pissed off at the whole idea.

The Anesthesiologists thought the whole idea was a gas, and
the Cardiologists didn't have the heart to say no.

In the end, the Proctologists won out, leaving the entire
decision up to the assholes in Washington

Author unknown

Friday, August 14, 2009

Elimination of Waste and Corruption

In Obama's town hall meetings, he insists two thirds of the cost of healthcare reform will come from eliminating waste and streamlining the process.

Kind of like how the government does with Medicare? Or how about Social Security? Perhaps the Post Office?

Two of the last things the government EVER is, is streamlined and efficient. When we think of bloated bureaucracies, the very first thing that comes to mind is always government run programs. When we think of corruption, we think first of government, and second of big business. (Despite the fact both are corrupt, I think our government is infinitely more so).

Barrack Obama's Economic Recovery act was supposed to be set up for shovel ready projects, yet is bloated with every liberals wet dream of wasteful spending imaginable. Yet, we're supposed to believe that the same government who has bankrupted SS, Medicare, Postal Service, bailed out Wall Street and the banks-- can somehow run 1/6 of the American economy and make rational decisions for all of us about our health care? I mean, after all- they do such a bang up job on everything else they run.

Right. Sure. If you believe that- I got some really prime land I can sell you.

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Destruction of America

I've stayed away from my blog for a while, simply because I could no longer stomach just how blind and deaf our elected officials are. I couldn't accept just how willing so many of them are to destroy our way of life, and fundamentally and radically alter the United States into some pale shadow of Europe.

Lets look at some of the deliberate ignorance our elected officials so shamefully, and proudly display;

--Senator Boxer insists that protesters at Town Hall meetings must be plants- after all, they are all too well dresses. (News flash Ma'am, That's what people with jobs look like.) Yes, the "Ma'am" comment is deliberate-- she finds it demeaning. Probably as demeaning as the public finds her comments.

--Nancy Pelosi insists that American anger is "manufactured" and any conservative movement is "astroturf", that it's "un-american" to protest, that conservative protesters are using Nazi symbols. Really?? Where was your outrage at the same tactics used by liberals in your own home district concerning the war???

---President Obama swears to hit back harder, he calls out his thugs in ACORN and the SEIU union to beat the shit out of regular Americans who simply insist that their elected officials hear them. President Obama insists anyone who disagrees with him to shut up and get out of his way. Really??? Say,, Barrack,, do you really think the American people will rollover and let Chicago organized crime politics hold sway over the nation?? Do you really believe we'll hold still for that?

---Liberal media is complicit in whitewashing the entire mess and demonizing regular citizens. People who simply want a few things from Washington.

What is it we want?

1. Read the fucking Bill you're voting on. Don't just protect your own power Senators, Congressmen- you represent us, not yourselves.

2. Use some common sense. If we're broke, don't make it worse by imposing the worst deficit EVER.

3. If you pass health care bills- make sure you have to use it also. Don't set up yourselves as an elite that thinks its better than we are.

This Country was founded on the principles of self reliance, Independence, and freedom. Our government is moving more swiftly than ever to overturn those principles. Our government will not rest until they have complete control, cradle to grave over all citizens.

Right now, working class citizens are talking. Don't push us into taking up weapons.