Friday, June 19, 2009

Direct Action

A friend recently asked me, as I've been asked several times over the last few year- when did I think common citizens would take matters into their own hands.

I've said many times in the past, and continue to say-- it will be when common folks can't make a living. When they listen to their children cry going to bed hungry. When they completely accept that the power elite in Washington are absolutely disconnected from the reality in American life.

Look to the San Joaquin Valley for an entirely probable direct citizen action against the government.

Eighty thousand people are about to be out of work there. A 41% unemployment rate. All because of the Delta Smelt. An endangered minnow that the courts have decided to save. The San Joaquin Valley is some of the richest farmland in the world, but now is a dust bowl due to the Federal government shutting off the water the area needs for irrigation.

All for a minnow.

Eighty thousand farmers are desperate right now. The water has been shut off since late 2008. The area grows a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, along with many thousands of acres of fruit trees that are now dying.

Comic Paul Rodriguez's family farms there. He appeared on Sean Hannity tonight, frantic to get someone, anyone in the Federal Government to intervene. From the veiled comments he made- the farmers there will get that water---one way or another.

I'll predict now-- The Federal Courts will not reverse their decision, and the farmers will take matters into their own hands and turn those pumps back on to fill their irrigation canals.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Creation of a Partisan

All my life I have been apolitical. I've never voted, but that was primarily because I never believed in any politician enough to give my vote to one. I mean, look at them. Corrupt, pathological lying, they cheat on the tax payers, their spouses, and their honor-- all to either get elected, or get re-elected.

The power they get seduces them, one and all it seems. You can count honest politicians on one hand-- and probably have fingers left over.

This doesn't even include the fact that we the citizens don't even elect the POTUS. Our vote counts for shit there.

So,, I've never voted, but I am a patriot. I served our country in our Armed forces. I believe in the need for people to give up their God given rights in order to protect the rights of others.

I believe in the free market system. Stop bailing out failed businesses. Stop writing legislation that sets up the free market to fail. Stop expecting the tax payers to fund this insanity. Repeal TARP now. Stop it.

I believe in legal immigration. It isn't racist to demand that illegal immigrants be swiftly ejected from the country. It isn't racist to demand the border to controlled. Do it. Do it now.

I believe in the intended checks and balances that the Founders built into our system of government. Fire the Czars. They are accountable to no one but the President. Fire all sixteen of them. Stop circumventing the Constitution. It is what made this country great.

I believe in the rights of States and the People. Stop the Federal government take over of our rights. Relinquish the power you have stolen. Shrink the government. I don't want the government in my daily life, besides, you have enough work to do with your real job. So, why don't you take care of those obligations before you try taking over mine.

What I work for is mine. I earned it, and you have no right to take it and give it to others. Stop this insane redistribution of wealth. Poor people do NOT create jobs. Not one time in my life has a poor person ever given me a job. Not. One. Fucking. Time.
You want to redistribute wealth? Redistribute your own.

Universal health care. Can you really look at any country that has it and tell me it actually works? What? You think that you can do it better than other countries? You? The same people who bankrupted Social Security? The same people who can't even run the Postal Service efficiently?
I make this prediction now: Government run health care will absolutely drive private insurers out of health care. Watch and see if I'm not right.

I believe in free market energy. Cap and Trade will double our electricity costs--all in the name of "green energy". Tell Al Gore to divest himself of his 100 million bucks he's made off the green cause- then I might listen to him a bit. The debate isn't over on global warming. Stop what you are doing.

Most of my life I paid little attention to politics. You are rushing so fast into the same mistakes of the past, completely confident that you can do it better than those who failed before you, that you are forcing me to to take a stand.

You made me realize that you have made me powerless within your system. You made me realize that I have few to no options to stop you within the system.

Thank you for waking me up. Thank you for waking so many of us up. Thank you for those you will wake up if you continue on this destructive course.

Janet Napolitano issued a report about home grown terrorists/partisans. I find it entirely ironic that it may be a self fulfilling prophesy.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Entitlements- Now Iran Entitled To Nuclear??

Obama has said Iran is entitled to nuclear power.

Hmmm, Does that mean American citizens are also? I mean, after all- isn't Obama against nuclear power in the US? So why is he for it for a country that publicly professes as a national goal the complete destruction of Israel?

Is there an ulterior motive here? Does Obama want a new holocaust? Is Obama crazy? Or just stupid?

So far internationally, President Obama seems to be all for appeasement of our enemies, and cold shouldering our allies. In fact, the only people who seem to need to fear this president, is his own citizens. He's done more to destroy the American way of life than any terrorists could have dreamed of doing.

Now Obama is in the Middle East on a public relations tour, all aimed at showing the Muslim world that he really will not stop radicals, and absolutely will do all he can to stop Israel from protecting itself.

I've got news for Mr. Obama- I've met/worked with Israeli soldiers. They will not allow Iran to attain their stated goal.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Obama; Americans Must Make Sacrifices

According to Obama, all Americans must make sacrifices during this trying economic time. That is, all Americans but the Obama clan.

The night before GM filed bankruptcy, President Obama and Mrs. Obama flew from the White House to New York city for dinner and a Broadway show-- all on YOUR dime.

At a time when so many Americans are losing their jobs and homes, businesses are closing, the President lavishly spends your tax dollars to entertain himself and his entourage. Three private jets were used to transport everyone to NYC because it was more economical.

Now, didn't the President criticize the auto CEO's for using private jets to come to Washington? Hmmm, different standards?

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs refused to disclose how much the taxpayers just got soaked for, but British DailyMail estimated it at 72,000+ dollars.

That's really tightening up that 'ol belt Barrack.

Government Motors Files Bankruptcy Today

Ok, so GM files bankruptcy today, and the taxpayers are on the hook for 50 billion so far. Yes, I'm convinced we'll probably end up putting at least another 100 billion into Government Motors.

Obama insisted we couldn't let GM go down the tubes,,, after all, we would have lost 3 million jobs. Or was that we'll save 3 million jobs? Maybe it was we'll create 3 million jobs.

It's hard to keep up with his double speak,,I mean, he tosses around nonsense million, billion, and trillion numbers like they're meaningless--but I digress.

So, we the taxpayers will now own 70% of GM, and the unions will own 20%, and Obama's wacky left wingers are telling the car company they are going to make teensy tiny little green cars.

Right-- let me know how that works out for ya.

Somehow, I'm not reassured by this business model. Government owned and operated, along with the union.

Does anyone see why I think another 100 billion is going into this black hole?

Oh!! But lets cheer!!

Now,, GM will make tiny cars no one wants, but do not despair-- I'll predict right here and right now;

Obama has a plan-- Since the public wont buy these cars, he'll just enact new rules and the government will buy them. Millions and millions of government fleet green cars.

See? That'll work out great. Almost as good as the Fed buying their own T-Bills and bonds.