Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Rape of the American People

Mr. Gibbs today stated that "We need to go to the doctor before we go to the pharmacy" in regards to Tim Geithner's plan to buy all the toxic assets.

Too bad they didn't start with that philosophy. Perhaps we wouldn't now have the spendulus bill, the omnibus bill and the bloated budget proposal Obama has developed.

Now, in addition to all that, House Democrats are starting to talk about yet another 500 billion stimulus package. What?? When will it be enough?

I think the simple answer is that, as with any addict- it will never be enough. Washington isn't going to stop until the American people make them stop.

On the new tax front- it's now being contemplated to tax your medical benefits you get from your job. Analysts estimate each of us will be on the hook for an additional 7,000 to 9,000 bucks in income that Mr. Obama will get to tax.
Think about it. Each of us may soon have to declare our medical benefits as income.

Cap and Trade proposals will see each of us paying higher energy bills, some estimating the increase may be as high as an additional 40% increase in our electric bills. After all, when businesses get hit with tax increases, they very very quickly pass those costs along to consumers.

But remember, most of us is going to get to keep an additional 13 bucks in our check each week. Happy days are here again.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Obama Two Faced Penny

Someone asked me the other day just why I have such antipathy for Mr. Obama.
I replied that I really admire the guy's talent and obvious intelligence, but,, I am absolutely horrified at the agenda he is setting. I'm 45 years old, and I don't think I've ever seen a President so determined to vilify capitalism and innovation. I insisted that the new American penny should be a bust of Obama on both sides.

My friend got angry and insisted that I wasn't describing Obama, so I told him a story a day later.

President Bush, during his term, threw lavish parties every Wednesday. He had $100 per pound beef served, had headliner bands play at the White House, all at the tax payer expense. He ran on a platform of a centrist, and as soon as he got elected, he ran a ultra conservative agenda and rammed it through Congress, breaking every campaign promise and didn't allow Congress to even read the Bill they were approving.

My friend blinked and said, "I thought you were a conservative. That's exactly what Bush did, and he never should have gotten a second term."

I just smiled. "I am a conservative, I just don't like dishonest people. By the way, the story is actually Obama's. Just change the name of Bush to Obama, and bam! The added insult is Mr. Obama is spending more money that any President in history. Too bad we don't have the money, and really really too bad the Chinese don't want to loan it to us."

You see, I expect politicians to deviate at least some from their campaign promises. I don't expect them to pull a 180 degree change after they get elected.

Obama railed against the deficit Bush had incurred. He didn't tell us he was going to spend more than double Bush's 8 year deficit in three months.

Obama swore up and down on the campaign trail he was all for developing coal and nuclear energy. But I guess he forgot about that in his budget.

Obama promised pork and earmarks were going to go away. Under his administration, pork barrel spending is at an all time high.

Obama ran on a reformer platform, and swore his administration would have the highest ethics ever. That it would not be business as usual in Washington. No lobbyist need apply.
How many of his cabinet don't pay their taxes?? Guess that was the shortest fit of honesty in history.

In three months, this President has managed to foment class warfare, create a climate of fear and mistrust, run confidence right into the ground and divide the American people.

What really chaps my hide is, that while the American economy burns to the ground, Obama throws lavish parties at the White House, and criticizes CEO's for doing the exact same thing-- on the tax payer dime.